
How to tell the contact you are about to put in your eye isn't inside out?

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How to tell the contact you are about to put in your eye isn't inside out?




  1. When you put it in, if it's inside out it will probably be more uncomfortable than normal. Also, if you look at it carefully before you put it in you can kind of tell. If it's inside out, the edges will kind of point more outward. If it's in the correct position, the edges will cause it to look more like a bowl.

  2. The outside look like it's on the wrong side curved up at the end.

  3. I know, this is really hard to tell sometimes! Well, when I first got mine, my optometrist told me that if it's right it'll look like a bowl, but if it's inside out, it doesnt. I never understood that. But, if it's inside out, it will look a little different. You'll notice it after a few months. But, just put your contact in and if it keeps folding back over you finger and not sticking to your eye, it's inside out. Good luck!


  4. there might be a blue ring around the outside of the lens... you want that on the inside... if you cant see. then turn it the other way

  5. I was told 2 ways to tell, Most lenses will have a word you can read (looking down into the ocntact). If its the wrong way the word will be mirrored.

    The best way to tell (because its way too hard to read usually) is the way my first doctor told me.

    Look at the contact from the side. If it looks like a football(as in the lips of the contact are curved differently) then dont use it, if it looks like it would be half a smooth circle then its ok

  6. When you hold the lens on your finger, look at it from the side. If it's correct, it should look like a curved bowl. However, if it's inside out, the edges will be slighty turned out.

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