
How to tell the diff. between a female and a male fan tailed goldfish???

by  |  earlier

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are all calico fish female?? and please how do i tell the diff. between my fantails??




  1. yy do u wana know?

  2. males have tiny bumps around their gills. these bumps become white and enlared when spawning occurs

  3. Fish aren't like cats (because majority of calico cats are female, hehe). But the only way to really tell is around breeding season. You need to look for breeding tubercules.

    This site offers images of what to look for.


    It only applies to cats. You can look at their vents (butts, a**s, whatever you wanna call it), but that is kinda hard to determine.  The females have bigger vents. It's relatively hard to breed goldfish from what I've heard. Pretty much the only way to tell is by the tubercules or if a female has a load of eggs

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