
How to tell you saw paranormal activity in your house

by  |  earlier

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when i was little i thought i saw a man stick his head out of the door crack of my moms bedroom. then it looked like he trew a glass vase down the hall way but there wasnt anything there. I THOUGHT IT WAS A FULL-BODY APARATION BUT WASNT SURE CAN YOU HELP ME FIGURE THIS OUT and tell me what it was???...!!!

it still haunts me till this day. i cant be in a room by my self any more!!!




  1. did you have a father growing up?

    if not then it is probably an evil spirit trying to scare you to leave, or your imagination when you were a child.

    did i help?

  2. the ghost-head must be a real ghost or a ghostly orb, and the falling vase must be a job of a poltergeist or the same ghost..cant say

  3. Here's a link about how to tell if your house is haunted... and your experience leads me to think that you're suffering from a neurosis (whether it was real or not, your reaction is neurotic and a psychologist would be highly recommended).

  4. In my oppinion it is very possible.

    But I'm not sure...It was only one time?

    It's also possible that you have had supressed memories

    and thats why you think you saw that.

    But from past experiance I know things like that

    are real. I've been physicly attacked, watched, and

    tonted by these beings and I'm only 15. So I know exactly how you feel. And if you really did see that and it had nothing do do with

    supressed memories, I really cant explain why. Some people

    may say its a gift if you can see what others cant. But just try

    your best not to fear it.

  5. since you heard the vase being thrown, and did not see it, perhaps the house has an imprint haunting.   not really a ghost, or an entity, but a psychic memory of something that happened there a long time before.  

  6. So you're holding onto a memory from when you were a kid?

    You stated you only saw a head.

    Then you said it was a full body apparition.

    Is there any other time that you or family members saw something out of the ordinary in the home?

    If a place is haunted, generally things will happen year round.

    There's really no reason to let your fears have control over you in the safety of your own home.

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