
How to tell your husband u hust lost a baby?

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i was to have twins




  1. i dont know thats a hard one. i would got take him when he ask how you are doing. men seem to take it better than women

  2. The same way the doctors told you. Gently, and reassuringly. He'll probably take it just as hard as you, but you'll both get through it together. I'm sorry for your loss and good luck!

  3. im very sorry to hear this, just flat out tell him like over dinner or something. just dont wait any longer... ya know? best of luck and i hope you are okay

  4. I would just sit him down and be honest with him. I wouldn't tip toe around of try to sugarcoat the subject because that makes matters worse. Just sit him down and be straight with him. Honesty is the best policy, especially when you're facing something like this. Good luck.

  5. wow. first of all i am so very very sorry. you just have to let it out. tell him they didnt make it. and console each other. and try again later. this is just one of those tragic things that happen. i worked with a lady who had a miscarriage and a few weeks later got pregnant again. and had a healthy baby boy. good luck. i again am so sorry.

  6. Explain the situation. Tell him that it was for the best and that it was not meant to be.

    [Tell him, that just because you lost babies, that's just more reason to 'keep trying'. He'll like that.]


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