My husband has lived in this house for a long time, and I have for 3 years. We're (kind of) friends with the landlords. They're out of town as her grandmother just passed away, and they're having a lot of family drama. Lease says we have to terminate in writing 30 days prior (which is tomorrow). Questions are: How do you word the letter& does is have to be sent certified mail? What if they don't get it 30 days before since they're out of town? And should I call them and tell them what's going on since they won't know until they eventually come back or should I avoid calling them right now because of the drama going on with them? Since they have our security deposit (xferred from last landlord), do we have to pay the last month's rent? I know she's going to be really upset and he's going to be extremely angry. Just trying to deal with it the right way. Sorry for all the questions. Thanks for the help, though!