
How to thank Mum for all she did for me since my birth?

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Hi everyone,

I am 28 years old married lady and I live with my husband in the UK far from my family who live abroad.

I had my first baby just 7 weeks ago. Labour, delivery and breastfeeding was extremely difficult. I am still recovering from the traumatic experience and I terribly miss my family esp my WONDERFUL mum. My whole experience of pregnancy and childbirth made feel deeply grateful to my Mum. I feel no matter what do i can never thank her enough. But i want to try my best and thank her for always being there for me.

She is 50 years old and unfortunately she has been recently diagnosed by diabetes, i heard the news few months ago and have not met her since.

I plan to fly and visit her and family in a month time, and i am struggling to chose the right thank you gift / surprise, but i am lost for ideas, could you pls help me find the right way to tell Mum how grateful i am to her for being SUPERB MUM

Thanks in advance




  1. Hi,

    I think the idea of all pictures of you and your mother together is a good one.

    How about getting a power point together of you and include pictures there of you growing up and each caption saying things like 'Thank you for helping me be ready for big school' - ect -

    Have a picture of you on your wedding day saying 'Thank you for loving me so much that I became the woman and wife i am today'

    Then last page include pic of you and your baby saying 'I am now a mother and I have to say from bottom of my heart I will be a good mother thanks to your love for me. I can never thank you enough for all you have done but remember this i love you so much

    Then you can include a picture of a plan and say you plan to see her soon!

    Include the last pic of you and your mother smiling then send it to her.

    If she poorly she will appreciate being cheered up and looking at pictures!


  2. Just say it! Also I think giving her a grandchild is a lovely gift!

    Also you could buy a really nice photo frame, and inside it put a picture of you and her together.

    I was the same, when I was in labour I rang my mum every 5 minutes just because I was SO great-full that she had done that for me. I think sometimes babies can bring people closer together, it has me and my mum.  

  3. You're taking her grandchild-thats the best gift ever.

  4. I don't think a gift is the way to go i think a card with a beautiful note in there saying how much you love her and thanking her for everything she has done would be better as words say lot good luck  

  5. If you had asked me this before your baby was born I would say do what I did and name the baby after her.

    Otherwise, your mom knows.  Just like I know that my 17 yr old son, who will be out on his own soon, still loves me even if he doesn't want to be seen with me in public (unless I am paying for something for him LOL).  We mom's never here "I love you and thank you" too often.  Make sure you tell her how much she means to you and be the best mom you can be, that is what she really wants in the end.

    Good Luck and God Bless to you and your new family.

  6. I did this once with my mom, and she loveddd it!

    I took a poster board, and folded it in half (to make it look like a giant card) and then I went through a bunch of pictures from my childhood and hers, and mad a collage of them on the front and half of the inside of the card. And then on the inside I wrote a long letter on how much I appreciate everything she has ever done in my life.

    When she saw it, she cried and hugged me so much.

    Hope this is a good idea :)

  7. I totally agree with Sarah. I have never told my mum I love her ( I am nearly 40!) , although I really do, and since I had my son I feel like you do, in awe of what she did for me! I really think the best thing you can do is tell her and give her a card and a photo of your child. then she will have the memory of your feelings forever.

  8. Give her yourself.  Simply make uninterrupted time during your visit to have one on one time with her to speak your heart to her.  Telling her how you feel better equipped to raise her grandchild because of the type of mother she has been to you.  If it must be something tangible, maybe heart halves that fit together with your names engraved on each half signifying part of your heart is always with her and hers with you.

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