
How to those job applicant opinion surveys work How can they accurately determine if a candidate is right for

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I applied for a job and they asked that I answer this survey. Basically asking if I am on time to work,do I feel like smoking pot is OK during work,will I steal and so on.

My question is- how can these things work? How can they tell that I will be a good or terrible employee just based on this test?

For instance: I do not do drugs,never had and have no desire, however I do have liberal views on the subject- how will this test be able to dis concern my liberal answers from those of an outright pothead?

here is a link to the test company :




  1. I think you are very right about this issue. Polls/Surveys people should be able to give you a better idea on the technical side of it though.

    Best wishes. UK

  2. Hi. I took one of those before I became Assist. Mgr at a famous store and was told about those surveys. They make or break you. They determine whether you are honest, curruptiabls and loyal.  If you decide to put your liberal opinion on the survey, chances are you will not get that job. Why?

    B/c a company is looking for a specific "mold" for their company. Questions like: If you see a hungry little boy at your line at the cashier's station, will you let him eat for free? Or Will you let someone who is fifty cents short finish a transaction at your register?

    If you answer yes to these then they assume you will lose money for that company b/c if you let fifty cents go into the store, you will let fifty dollars out of the store or give a friend fifty dollars out of the register because he is hungry. You see how this works?

    Sometimes that survey is correct but it is really heind sight bias. Who really knows who will steal or is not reight for a job. But I would advise answering them ruthfully but not over the top. I hope this helps. Good luck.  

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