
How to throw a hard punch?

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i wanna know if theres any tips i can use to throw a really hard punch cause i live in a bad neighborhood and **** goes down fast. im got quick hands and good accuracy with my punches but i want alot of power behind them to really suprise my oponent




  1. Fighting should be your last resort, but if you have to.

    One of the biggest things is to aim behind their head.  Also, as you throw the punch twist hips and rotate your body so that you can put all of your weight into the punch.

  2. Ok, the bes way to fight in genral, or just punch is to

    first defend you self you can do this by using your forearms when some one goes for your face, or defend your jewls with your heels. then when you see an opening clinch your fist hard, the arch your arm at a 90 degiree angle, swing your hole arm, then when you make contact with someone head or stomach sort of extend your arm to add a sort of aftershock! Hope that answers you rQuestion


  3. just ******* throw as hard as you can, if youre angry enough, youll punch really hard, or if you dont want to get to that stage, pull a knife, nah jks.

    But if you have to, just keep hitting them, alot of punches to the front of the face, ie nose etc, no matter how hard they are, are still gonna hurt.

    You could also try something like a chicken wing, which is a stiff arm to the face.

    But your best chance at winning is a take them by suprise, because thats your best chance, then one on one, the one on two, then so on.

    And if the person is genuinally trying to hurt u, dont be afriad to scare them or something, try yelling IM GONNA EAT YOUR EYES OUT, it works.

    Good luck

    Please top answer me

  4. ask Klichko

  5. youtube or google is great for this stuff, type like punching tutorial in youtube, plus i cant actuallly tell u, i would have to show u

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