
How to throw a knockout punch, and how it knocks a person out?

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Would like to know easiest way to throw a knockout punch (where, and how) and also an explanation on how it knocks a person out




  1. as a martial artist, I can tell you it is actually not that hard to k.o. someone.  there are several targets, with most popular being the back of the jaw with others being the temple, ear, chin, and the area at the base of the nose right above the top lip.  The key to remember is that all the power comes from the hips.

    When you hit someone with enough force, it forces the brain to bounce around basically which sends signals to shut your body down.  Basically, it is a concussion.

  2. Sorry i can't tell you , it would be illegal to use your fighting skills as an act of violence or other than self defense considering i'm a professional kickboxer @ 19 years of age . your fists are like a weapon so you gotta be careful where you hit and how you hit , you don't want to end up getting in huge trouble . You only have to fight back as SELF DEFENSE nothing else .

  3. Knocking someone out isn't easy. You would want to hit them in the jaw. I think Jesse is a liar also.

  4. Ask Super Macho Man, or Bald Bull.  they dont F around

  5. a haymaker to the jaw or temple would be your best bet

  6. Target: side of the Jaw and the temple area.

    Procedure: Ask coaches about set-ups. Make your opponent not anticipate the power punch. The one he can't see is the one that knocks him out.

    Personal tips: I like 2 set-up punches.

    1) I do stiff jabs on body. And when he drops his guard to protect his body. I do a lightning straight on his head. It works! Just make him think that you really want to hurt him on the body. That way he will have to commit on defending it and drop his guard. I got this from Delahoya. Cotto does this well too.

    2) A straight to the body. And a left hook to the Jaw. d**n! I like this set-up. Do the sacrifice of leading with right straight on the body. Watch out for the counter!!! If you do this often, the opponent will eventually open up for your left hook. BAM!!! Lights out!

  7. the thing is, it knocks them out by making all the blood and brains (through whiplash) go from one side in their head to the other. stops the bloodflow and brain has no blood eyes have no sight brain has no memory and tweet tweet tweet Good night.

    the best way is to knock an opponent out (in a boxing match) is you throw some punches at his face and find out which way he moves when you throw your right and which way he moves when you throw your left jab then when you need that one punch to knock him out you aim for where his heads going to be! not where it is, because he's going to see your punch coming and move but something else you don't aim for his face it could glance off, you aim that direction but not for the face but behind it in fact aim your punch to go through his face and come out the back of his head.

  8. Jesse is talking nonsense - its not illegal to tell someone how to knock someone out, even if you are a pro.

    Basically, hit as hard as you can into the side of the jaw.

    Don't try it though. If you succeed, you may well end up breaking their jaw, which is a pretty horrific thing to do.

    There is actually very little known about what exactly causes a knockout but many agree it has to do with minor trauma to the brain stem. This usually happens when the head rotates sharply, often caused by a strike. A common misconception is that a knockout is caused by compression put on the carotid arteries in the neck restricting blood flow, but this is in fact how a choke out works

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