
How to tie shoes?

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my son needs to learn how to tie his shoes.

could you give me any tips on an easy way to teach him to do it.




  1. loop it u swoop it u pull. so basic my cat can tie his shoes in 16 seconds not including his back paws. (including back paws 83 seconds.  I have no idea y or what goes on back there.)

  2.'s kind of hard to explain through the computer, lol. But I was taught by using the loops as bunny, I don't know...make it fun.

  3. Hold both ends of the lace straight. Place the right end over the left, then bring the left above the right and through the loop. Pull both ends tight.

    Take hold of the right lace and form a loop, placing your finger in between to hold it. Bring the left lace over the right, and underneath it in a circular motion.

    Then bring the left lace through the small loop. Pull tight.

    Your shoes are now tied!


  5. The easiest way I have found is having them make 2 loops and (holding them at the base) tieing the 2 loops in a knot.

  6. do the bunny ears thing! thats the only way i learned, the loop, swoop, and pull thing confused me.

    take two "ears" and tie em together!

  7. I used the loop it, swoop it and pull bit that Adam Sandler used in the movie Big Daddy. Worked great on my now 8 year old when he started school.

  8. first show him how to hold two lace straight up, then next time show him how to cross lace when he gets used to that then show him how to hold first  loop, then show him second loop,next when he gets used to that after practicing for a few days then you show him how to put one of the loop into the other loop. it will take a lot of practice though. Do each stage for a good while before moving on and make sure he gets all stages.

    If he cant get each stage don't move one until he gets it.

  9. 1.Build a tee pee, Come inside,

    Bring a friend. Close it tight so we can hide.

    Over the mountain, And around we go.

    Here’s my arrow, And here’s my bow!

    2.Criss Cross and go under the bridge

    Then you got to pull it tight.

    Make a loop but keep a long tail

    That is how to do it right

    Then you take the other string

    and you wrap it 'round the loop

    Pull it through the hole

    Now you got the scoop

    Criss Cross and go under the bridge (this is where you tie the loops together)

    Now you made a Double Knot!

    3.Once there was a rabbit that was very sad because his ears were so long and narrow that he stepped on them all the time. One day a fairy landed on the bunny's head. She lifted up the bunny's ears and crossed them over like an x. Then she put one ear through the bottom of the x and pulled.

      Next, she made each long ear into a loop and made another x like before. She put an ear under that x and pulled again. From then on the bunny remembered how to tie his ears into a bow, and he lived happily every after.

  10. Yes you can go to like a teacher store and they have these things that are like books but they actually have a picture of a shoe printed on it and has shoe strings coming out of it so you could do that and let him practice. Good luck

  11. You loop it, you swoop it, and you pull.


  12. Buy some Velcro, or visit your local special ed teacher.

  13. Show him this how-to video:

  14. Okay, you can buy these really cool boards at the store. They're shoe-shaped, but they have all the laces and holes in them, and you can let your son practice on it. You can probably make one out of cardboard as well...

  15. give him a quater each time he remembers ;)

  16. Don't 'just' show him, give instructions in an almost sing-song voice-(helps them to remember !)-like- make a loop, around it goes, through the hole, and make a bow !

  17. i always teach my son like this . it's the best way to tie your shoes just follow the instructions.

    Step 1:

    Hold one end of each shoelace in each hand.

    Step 2:

    Cross them, making an X.

    Step 3:

    Pass one end of the shoelace under the other.

    Step 4:

    Pull tight.

    Step 5:

    Fold one shoelace in half while holding laces taut.

    Step 6:

    Wrap the other end around the folded end.

    Step 7:

    Grasp it in the middle after pulling it around the folded end.

    Step 8:

    Bend it into a flat loop and pull through, making a bow.

    Step 9:

    Repeat with other shoe.

  18. heres the steps-

    1. first take the strings and hold them in your hands

    2. put one string in front of the other

    3. then put one string under the other one

    4. then pull it until it is tight

    5. rap one of the strings around your thumb leave it there

    never mind just buy him some velcro

  19. i dunno somehow i learned it myself can buy him velcro but u just need to teach him! but like this

    1. grab the two strings

    2.pull them up to make them tight!

    3.take one and put it uder the other

    4.make a bunny ear

    5.wrap the loose one around

    6.tighten and or this spongebob thingy

  20. Do YOU know how to tie shoes?  If you do, it's not hard to teach him.

  21. Well I taught my friends little brother by teaching him like it's super powers.

    First:Grab the laces then tell him to pull them up with all his super strength.

    Second:Tie them in a lil' knot like defeating the bad guy.

    Third:Make loops like putting the bad guy to the police.

    Forth:Tie the loops to show of his victory.

    Just try to make somthing like a little story to help him to tie his shoes!Hope this helped!

  22. I didnt leasrn till i was 9 and i was tuaght hot cross bun song to do it each childs diffrengt good luck.

  23. Have somebody to teach you about the "bunny method" you move the strings to illustrate a story about a bunny, and when you are done, your shoes are tied. Look to see if you can find it on you tube. This is how I learned and how I helped teach my little sister.

  24. Make up a story for each step.

  25. The bunny ears technique is good. I can't remember which film I saw it in I think maybe it was Big Daddy, but it worked for my daughter. You make the laces on either side looped up into long bunny ears, then loop, swoop (draw top bunny ear under second) and pull.

    Hope that helps.

  26. ok ya like this and like this and this like .. umm done :)

  27. I think there's a sponge bob song...
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