
How to to be the best waitress?

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I am just beginng a job here in town, and this is the job I have been looking for and wanting so badly! Is to be a waitress. I was wondering if there are any tips any one could give me to be a really good one. I like to see people happy! I am training and a little scared!




  1. I suggest you go to a hotel school to learn about food & beverage, the right way to serve also to be ready if a customer ask you as how this drinks are made or this spasific meal is cooked, have a smile on your face, do that and will be fine.

  2. Don't spit in anyones food.

  3. I have to agree with almost 21, the only other things that I can suggest are:

    looking at them at eye level.  I had this waiter once, that actually got down at eye level to take our order. I don't know why, but my husband and I really liked that about him, he was really personable.

    When he didn't know if we could have something different as a substitute, he would ask and he woulnd't say "no, you can't have that".

    Also, I have a 19 month old daughter, and I love it when the waiter/waitress suggests or asks if we want her food early, or even if we want a plate of cheese or olives or something that they can munch on that isn't that bad for them (besides bread). I would talk to someone at the restaurant to see if it's ok before suggesting this kind of thing.  Not all restaurants allow it.  Make sure not to put the food too close to the really depends on how young they are.

    I hope this helps.

  4. Make everyone you serve feel like they are the only person in the resturaunt and go the extra mile to make them feel special will do well in tips too !

  5. Customers love to talk..if you give them that 1 min. it will make a world of difference!! Be yourself always, they know when your fake. You'll be remembered and the tips will be awesome!!

  6. Be genuine.

    Know your menu and wine list--I cannot stress this enough! When people ask questions, they don't want to hear, "I'm not sure, let me check." They expect you to be informed and you should be.

    If you like to see people happy, you are far ahead of the game. Don't be influenced by any "bitter" servers around you. This is customer service, and if you enjoy helping people enjoy their evening out, you will do very well.

    It takes a little while to get into a ryhthm, but you will, and you will be amazed how easy and fun serving can be.

    I have been doing it for 12 years (I am in very high-end fine dining now, and make obscene amounts of money), and I love it.

    Don't let people treat you with disrespect, or make you feel "less-than" because you are serving.

    The best piece of advice I have is this: Sometimes you will have guests who treat you badly. Usually this is because they are unhappy for some reason and want to take it out on someone, and they feel that a server is an easy target. Always remember: It is THEIR problem, they brought it in with them, and YOU get to be you, they HAVE to be them. Don't let anybody's sh#**y attitude bring you down. One bad tip isn't going to break you, either. It all evens out in the end.

    Best of luck to you!

  7. just be friendly, and honest. if theres a problem let them know immediately so they dont sit there waiting. also, keep their drinks filled. thats my boyfriends biggest issue! if they dont keep his drink filled he doesn't tip them well.

  8. Don't be fake!

    I was a waitress for two years and I found my best tips came from tables where I was completely myself (quiet, sarcastic, almost bitchy) nobody wants someone who is overly nice and all over them making sure their food is ok and they are still breathing.

    I would get them their drinks, ask if they needed a few more minutes to look over the menu, take their order, wait until they got their food (but walk by and check to make sure they don't need drink refills) and then after they have taken a few bites, ask them how their food is and if there is anything else they need.

    Often times, if people ate all their food I would say stuff like "So, this must have been really gross" (joking obviously) or if people left food on their plate (this totally depends how cool i think the people at the table are too) I'd say something like "Thanks for the leftovers, I'm starving!" or something like that. Once you can gauge people right, the right people will laugh at that silly/stupid stuff.

    Overall just don't be too cute and ridiculous. If they have problems with their food apoligize and ask if they would like to order something else (this depends on the rules of your resturant of course)

    ALSO, WRITE EVERYTHING DOWN! even if you think you'll remember it, you won't. I always wrote everything down for about a year into it, then I got comfortable enough so I could remember things. But at the beginning write table #'s, orders, CIRCLE appetizers so you don't forget to ring them in first, and make sure you write everything down seperated by guest.

    Hope this helps. Just be yourself! Have fun with it. It's a fun job 90% of the time. And great money too!

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