
How to tone and lose my stomach...?

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and not lose weight everywhere else? I like my size and don't want to alter it too much so what do you suggest?




  1. Well lets see. Right now I'm working out with my fiance and what I'm doing is pretty much wat your asking about. What he has me do is a light bench press declined, then squats, leg lifts, then a reverse leg lift. and I'm pretty toned. Drinking whey protein helps too, when you drink it right after your workout. And to all the people out there that think whey protein makes you gain weight, then you have obviously have not taken it, fat makes you gain weight so does carbs but not protein. you either use the protein then wat you dont use you pee it out but, IT DOES NOT MAKE YOU GAIN WEIGHT!!! lol any-who I would try wat i said and if you need anything else just find me in here, i would give you my email but then i'd prolly get peoples opinions :) o well  

  2. get the bender ball off of the t.v the comercial is always on..  it tones your abs

  3. o choice. you have to lose a bit of fat from all over your body to shrink belly fat...try brisk walking and pilates

  4. You can't lose weight in one spot. However, you can tone the muscles. Try this

    1. Captain's Chair--3 sets of 15 leg lifts

    2. Long arm crunches -these work way better than regular crunches

    3. Kick boxing -1 hour 3 times a week.

  5. you have the same problem is I do . I love my shape i just have this pooch .. i found that doing twists help alot and an exercise called the jackknife

    this is an awesome site with video of the exercise to do

  6. Dont drink water after meals, dont take rice, Do Brisk walks

  7. hi

    go to this site and check the exercise programs listed there:

    i tried truth about abs and lost fat and tighten my stomach.

    good luck

  8. increase exercise, maybe walking and ab work. Decrease calories slightly. Watch for hidden calories that sneak up. ie cals from alcohol, soda........  

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