
How to train a horse to rollback??

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i have a 4 nearly 5 year old stock horse. He has only been trained to back up and that's it, he hasn't been trained to do anything else.

i was wondering if there were any techniques i could use to get him to roll back or at least turn sharply for pony club and stock horse shows.

If u know any other techniques to train them to haunch turn etc, any other stock horse moves please tell me i don't care what they are.

plz help cya, rokchik





    That has a good explanation of it, I wish you the best of luck!!

  2. It is very easy to work on with your horse.

    1 work along the fence in one direction. Starting off in a walk.

    2 Stop and ask the horse to back up

    3 While backing up turn the horse into the fence. This will cause the horse to gather under you drop their front end and rollback. And the outside front foot should cross over the inside front foot.

    On a proper rollback the hind foot on the inside of the turn should plant and pivot on the turn.

    For more in depth instructions, there are many good training videos on reining. The rollback is the basis of a reining spin. Luck

  3. I highly recommend Larry Trocha's video "Teach your horse to Rollback and Spin" I have really gotten a lot of great tips from it...and it's only $9.

    here's the link...

  4. whether it seems like it or not, a rollback can be a complex maneuver when executed correctly. the first steps to getting your horse to do this is work on simple things such as flexing at the pole, flexing his neck both ways,  getting him to move his hind quarters and front quarters separately, and getting him to move his ribcage. once you've trained him to do all of this, everything else will come easily! good luck! :)

  5. I had a similar question...look here, it helped me! My horse has improved so much from what these people offered as suggestions!!

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