
How to train a mini poodle puppy to stop biting?

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he likes to bite in a playful way, especially in the yard when he greets us

how do we correct this? how do we say "no" effectively? Is this normal?




  1. You need to teach him that the fun and games stop when he bites.  Methods include:

    "yelping" and ignoring the dog when he bites

    saying "no!"

    pushing him towards the ground

    leaving the room

    removing the dog from where the people are for a period of time

    or any combination of the above.  If you don't know which to pick, seek out a behavioralist who will help you choose what's best for you and your dog.

    But yes this nippy behavior is very common in puppies, and should be fixed.

  2. I say "no biting", but I also point at her and snap my fingers to get her attention.  When she stops, I say "good girl" so she knows what behavior I want from her.  I also trade my fingers for a bone or toy, and when training, you may want to wear gloves, like a garden glove.

  3. This is very simple to correct...... Get a newspaper or magazine roll it up and every time he goes to bite you or any other person, pop him with the newspaper or magazine. Do this lightly at first and if that doesn't work pop him a little harder, eventually he will stop.  

  4. You hold his mouth shut tight everytime he bites you using the command "no bite".

    I would not leave the room b/c it is your house. You leaving is just showing your dog that biting you will make you go away.

    Yelping does help, but in some breeds it is a sign of weakness and can cause a dog to further bite.

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