
How to train between races for NO arm pump??

by  |  earlier

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I have a full race schedual I have been hitting every race yet I'm not exactly sure how to get ready for each race. Working out or whatever and plus the whole arm pump kills me in races. Is there specific work outs I can do??




  1. stop masturbating so much.

  2. Stop gripping the bars so hard. If you can't do 50-60 push ups you may as well hang it up

  3. You ask this same stupid question a month ago. You ain't between races because you don't race, if you can't get attention knocking somebody's bike you try this bull****. Stick with your " legitimate tough guy", " react with violence" " put'em down hard", "slap their face" "spit on their boots" and some of that bull****. We know it also a lie but at least it's funnier.

  4. drink water, eat potassium, and eat carbohydrates. after that drink more water. water is the most important thing you can do outside of getting more seat time. if you drink pop you will have to quit for the rest of your racing days. days that you are not at a race go out and hit every bump and whoop sections there are around you and eventually this problem will go away.

    when you get done drinking the water i mentioned above then go get more.

    if you are anything like me i hate water but if you are serious about your racing then you will have to do things that you don't like to succeed at what you do like.

    the day of the races eat only fruit and vegitables and don't forget the water.

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