
How to train for West Point Application?

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I'm thinking of applying for West Point Academy, and I saw that there were physical requirements, including throwing a basketball 108 feet on your knees, etc. Is there a good training program that would focus on the specific actions needed to do that? Or would an overall fitness program be best.





    It's all there in black & white. An overall fitness program is the key to success in the military. Good luck!

  2. Your best bet would be an overall fitness program. Just start by trainin yourself to run about 2-3 miles at a decent pace without getting too tired. Do push ups, sit ups, and pull ups also. These will all greatly increase your stamina. Also, get on some sort of weight lifting program to build as much upper body strength for the basketball throw. If you want, talk to your phys. ed teacher, he/she will help you.

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