
How to train my dog to give hugs?

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i think it would be cool if my dog could give hugs please help!




  1. Our boxer stands with her front paws on my BF's shoulders; when he says "kisses" she licks his face and when he says "hugs" she rests her chin on his shoulder.  Just show your dog what you want her to do (ie. put her head on your shoulder) then give the command (whatever you choose) and give her a treat.  Maybe you could even start by having the treat on your shoulder or holding it over your shoulder.

  2. My daughter did this with one of the goldens.. . I caution you to make sure teh sit and stay command if FIRM first.  they must never hug without express permission from owner.

    I have a great book that you might like for training for stuff like this.

    for the book MY SMART PUPPY

    IT IS MY FAVORTIE.. .easy  

  3. Dear Ryan, not all dogs are inclined to hug, but does that are can be easily trained to do it on call. The best way to train your dog is by catching them doing something they are naturally inclined to do. Here are the steps:

    1. You observe your dog does an action you like (e.g #1 rob it's eyes/snout with two paws) or ( eÌ .g #2 brings his paws to your shoulders).

    2. Give the action a name while making a BIG DEAL of it, high pitch voice sounding very happy you say  (e.g. #1) "GOOD shy, doggy shy!" or " GOOD HUG, GOOD HUG!" for the second example.

    3. Always have a small dog treat on your pocket and ONLY treat your dog  immediately after he or she does the action you are trying to trained your dog to do, follow by "GOOD DOG!" and "GOOD HUG!".

    Another way, one I am less fond of, because it takes more work and can be confusing your dog ( if you are forceful) or even at times detrimental is by "making your dog you something" them reward:

    When your dog is laying down or when it comes to your lab, put it's front paws oÌ n your shoulder and say "GOOD HUG!" follow with treat. do it few times 1 or 2 at the time, give LOTS OF LOVING PRAISE!  aÌ nd be very patient, reward the behavior you want and ignore the mistakes.

    Very Important: Dogs respond to emotions the more happy energy and the bigger deal you makes of his/her behavior the better the chances of your dog repeating that behavior.

    Good luck and...have fun with you dog :-)


  4. Why?  This is a dog fgs.  Affection from a dog has to be won, not trained.

  5. Ryan, it is so cool when your dog gives you hugs back.  I trained my Boxer "son"  to do just that.

    First i would get down on my knees to his level.

    Gently place his front paws on your shoulders as you say "Hugs" & hold him there in that position for a few seconds.  Give him plenty of positive reinforcement via praise in a high pitched voice or a special dog treat.  I'm really not a big fan of the treat method because i found that he was more focused on the treat than the command.  Within a week your dog should be providing you with lots of hugs.  There are two major factors that will either make your dog respond quickly or

    could need a little more time to train. Those being the intelligence of the Breed & it's size.  My Boxer fit me perfectly.  Actually like hugging another person!  Regardless never give up trying because once he gets it then you can look forward to a lifetime hugs.  Good luck.

    May you have many wonderful years together.

    Had to put my Kato Spencer M.D. down this past Wednesday.  I'm sure that he is giving a lot of hugs up there. M.D. stands for miracle dog.

  6. It is really cute. My dog does it and we didnt even train him- hes small (mini long haired dachshund) so he just gets on our laps and puts his legs around our shoulders. Its adorable.

  7. If you do that then he's gonna be jumping on people and people like me won't want to come over.

  8. One of my Chihuahuas, will get on your lap facing you, put one paw on each shoulder, put the side of his face against yours and lean into you. We did not teach him to do it, he just started doing it one day. Now, if you say, "Bandit can I have a hug", or" Bandit give me a hug", he will do it!

    This is Bandit!

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