
How to train to be a ninja?

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So i have a friend who wants to be/act like a ninja. but with all the moves..

where can he get fighting training and something like parkour stuff without killing himself in the process.

as well as shurikans and those little knives.

and where he can buy the hoods and clothing.




  1. Looks like Frank has given you a great answer.

    There are no more ninjas. There is no need for them in todays culture.

    There are some ninjitsu and or ninjutsu classes that can be taken. I can't speak on how good they are because I don't know. I only know one person that is supposed to have a black belt in ninjitsu. He comes to learn and train with us. Sometimes I find this strange. I wonder why he isn't getting his instructions from those that awarded him his rank. Before he got his rank he would come and train with us too. That was mainly because one of his best friends was with us, but that guy moved out of state a couple of years ago.

    I also have a cousin who was training in ninjitsu. He wold come to learn from us to help him get his rank in ninjitsu. But he moved out of state. I saw him recently and was told he is coming back and he wants to train with us. I didn't think he was going to come back after that last time he came. We had a very good workout. His conditioning couldn't handle it. I give him credit, he tried.

    Clothing, weapons, etc can be purchased through a martial arts store. You have to be at least 18 to buy the weapons.

    Again, there are no ninjas living today.

  2. I would suggest having someone in a tree with a box full of apples.  They should throw the apples at your head.  While this is happening they should let out a guard dog to attack you.  Finally you will have one arm tied up while all this is happening.  If you can dodge the apples and beat back the dog then you are a ninja.

  3. You can Make your own weapons, if you train then you should use Weapons made of tree, A ninja needs fast reflexes, Speed and flexibility. And he should do Deep Knee bends, Deep Knee Jump and Raise on toes that will make him jump higher and he should also start in a Martial art school/lesson.

  4. To be a ninja you have to find a time machine, and travel back to feudal Japan when ninjas existed.

    You can, however, train ninjutsu, the martial art trained by the Shinobi (ninja), they teach it at the Bujinkan in Japan (a modernized version).

    To learn parkour, then you take parkour classes, to learn ninjutsu, you take ninjutsu classes, they are not intertwined.

    Shurikens and knives you can buy online, or any weapon shop where medieval weapons are sold.

    Hoods and clothing you can buy at any costume shop.

    good luck!

  5. Ninjutsu:

    Bujinkan, Genbukan, Jinenkan. Intonjutsu and taihenjutsu (the "moves" you were referring to) are taught in all three of these.


    Toshindo, others.


    Most martial arts supply stores where throwing blades are legal. California is definitely not one. Nevada is. Other than that, I don't know. They're not real, but they are sharp. Uchibari and teppan shuriken are what you would look for if you wanted real. Neither are "sharp" but they have points, which is what makes genuine shuriken (Which, guess what, are not solely a thrown weapon).


    Shinobi-ya --

    If you're going to dress up in a costume, may as well do it fashionably. Alternately, the "hood" is made from two 3x3 square clothes tied in an x pattern at the back. The clothing cosists of kimono, tatsukebakama, kyahan, tekkou, obi, tabi, and waraji. You could substitute jikatabi for kyahan, tabi, and waraji collectively.

    As for ninja no longer existing, perhaps they don't at current. But don't kid yourself -- the last ninja didn't die hundreds of years ago in some remote mountain village, but in the 1970s with the death of Takamatsu Toshitsugu. Some would say Saiko Fujita, but Takamatsu-sensei had the body to back it up. He was saigo no jissen ninja.

    This is not to say that the idea and what the ninja truly stood for does not exist today. People like the ninja are as important now as they ever were. The fairy tales you all may associate with the ninja never existed, but the ninja should not merely be acknowledged but admired.

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