
How to train to get hit?

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i am going to join boxing and i want to train so when i vs someone and when they punch me in the body or the face i dont want my face or my body to hurt heeps so i need some workouts plese




  1. If you live in New York, you should contact monk Yang Ming and ask about Shaolin Iron Shirt training.  If I was going to seriously get into boxing for a living, I would do iron shirt training exclusively until I became proficient at it and THEN I would step into the ring.  I would also do Shaolin balls conditioning.

    The Shaolin have all sorts of neat tricks for toughening the body, which I would do personally if I had to fight to live.  Believe it or not, good psychological training, as well as overrall conditioning, are doing belly flops, 10 every day, on a swimming pool.  To be hit by a tidal wave, is like being hit with concrete.  So doing a bellyflop is almost like landing on concrete that hasn't fully hardened yet.

    Think about it; a bellyflop is great impact training, because you are hitting your entire body with concrete.  More or less.  You do enough of them for a year, and d**n man who knows how tough your body will get.  I know it sounds dumb but.... check the science.  Ask anyone who knows even a little about physics.

  2. if it bothers you so much stick to the flower arranging!..

  3. when you join the trainer will teach you how to roll with the punces. the headgear helps but it gonna hurt. sparring is the only way to get used to getting hit. one good pointer is keep your mouth closed and another is never close your eyes

  4. practice! you'll get used to the blows it just takes some toughening up. my dad once told me the secret to fighting is...

    expect to get hit and expect it to HURT!

  5. if you have your guard up most of the time you shouldnt get hit. but sparring is the best way to train to get hit

  6. Well  at the gym I go to our coach slams medicine balls into our abs and sides to toughen them for body shots. Other wise sparring is your best bet.

  7. What everyone is saying about defense is true, but to train your body to take a punch their are some sport specific workouts. For body, just build your core to rock solid toughness. Core includes, abs, obliques, inner obliques, inner abdominals, lower back and some say hips and glutes. Either way Ross Enamait can help you with this. Go to or For head punches, you ned to have a strong neck,traps and jaw.For this get a headstrap form, do all amnner of neck bridges including rolling neck bridges. Do isometric resitance , resisting your hands from various angles.Or have aprtner, chew tough foods, and also hard gum all the time, and also keep teethe clenched when you got your mouth piece in. There is also a partner drill where you set your chin in your fist with your chin in the "cup" formed by thumb and top of hand. Than have a partner push on head asneeded and open and close your jaw. For traps, you can do dip bar shrugs with weight and inverted gymnastics ring pike position shrugs. Inverted means upside down and pike means body jack knifed. Than shurg a way, the best trap exercise is probaly very heavy explosive barbell shrugs. Use as much weight as you can handle.Also trap bar shrugs. Build up these muscles specifically for taking hits, but don't forget to train everything else as hard so you can throw punches and be a generally prepared athlete. Also as Ross himself put's it,  "Conditioning is king inside the ring".

  8. Why not practice slipping punches instead?

  9. i believe that boxing is also about defence as well and when you start training they will show you

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