
How to train yourself to have another one???

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how can you train youself to have the same dream again>>> i have had these dreams where i was in control, and it was really cool, and i wanna have another one.




  1. Hello,

    I had a manual which I can't seem to find on my new computer.

    I will give you a brief version - that will still work - here.  I actually used to sell the manual - but I don't ask for money for this now.

    You MUST know that this can happen - YOU CAN LUCID DREAM - first and foremost.  Again, you MUST KNOW you can do this.  You already had a lucid dream so this "believing" part should be easy.

    Now, I won't go into too much detail of WHY this works, just believe that it works and that it is important to follow the instructions properly.

    When you do the exercises I give you, you MUST feel very strongly that this will work.

    What you will be doing is training your unconscious/subconscious mind.  It usually works on its own and is difficult to access unless you know how to.  One way is via hypnosis, another is while asleep.  Dreams are basically your unconscious mind letting loose.  You dream things that are locked away in your unconscious mind - it NEVER forgets and is not exactly known for being well organized.  This is why you could be dreaming about a dog one second and baking on a desert island the next.  

    What is important to know is that consciously - while you are awake - you will be doing dream tests throughout the day in order to know whether or not you are dreaming.  When you are actually dreaming, the test will "fail" and you will KNOW you are dreaming.  This is how your conscious - better organized mind - communicates - in a crude manner - with your unconscious mind.

    It is a known fact that in dreams it is difficult to read words - at least over and over again.  What happens is that you will read something and a few seconds later, what you read becomes something different.  Either unreadable symbols of some sort, or a completely different image/dreamscape.

    It is also a known fact that falling and flying are two major elements of many dreams.

    Keep in mind that if you are flying - without a plane or wings etc - you are dreaming.

    Now we put these facts together to create a scenario for having a lucid dream.

    While you are awake - and AS OFTEN AS YOU CAN THROUGHOUT THE DAY - look at written things.  It can be as simple as a sign.  I had my first success with an "EXIT" sign.  You could use car licence plates, menus at a restaurant, a road sign, an ad sign - basically ANYTHING.  It does NOT have to be anything long and detailed - ONE WORD is enough, 3 or 4 letters on a licence plate is look at a sign for example, read it.  Now look away for a few seconds - 5 to 10 seconds - and look back at the sign.  IF IT SAYS THE EXACT SAME THING, YOU ARE NOT DREAMING.  At that very moment, you tell yourself "Okay, I am not dreaming.  BUT when I am dreaming I will recognize that I am dreaming.  Tonight I will fly!!!"  You must say this line after EVERY DREAM TEST - the writing/reading test.  Do this test again in a few minutes - or as soon thereafter as you can.  Use a different sign or word/words.  Look at the sign/words, look away for 5,6,7 or so seconds...look it is the same thing, the same word/words/sign.  Say the lucid dream affirmation again:  "Okay, I am not dreaming.  BUT when I am dreaming I will recognize that I am dreaming.  Tonight I will fly!!!"  Feel VERY CERTAIN about what you are saying.  Say it with conviction...even though you are saying it to MUST say this so you ABSOLUTELY KNOW that you will KNOW you are dreaming when you are dreaming and you KNOW you will fly when you are dreaming.  

    You may ask - what the heck is this all about!!?  Well, when you are actually dreaming - and because you have been doing this ALL DAY - perhaps for a couple of days - you will do it IN YOUR DREAM - because you are basically doing it ALL THE TIME.  Trust me, you will do it in your dreams if you do it as often as you can - ALL only takes a few seconds at a time and it is very easy to do...SO DO IT!!!

    Now, when you are actually dreaming - and even if you do not KNOW that you had a dream last night - you DO DREAM EVERY NIGHT.  This is a known fact as well ...When you are dreaming, you will try this "dream test" and it will "fail!!!"  Meaning the sign will NOT read the same OR it will not be a sign anymore, it may be - well basically anything.  WHEN THIS will NOW say...."Wow..I must be dreaming"  you MAY want to do one other "dream test" - right away - to be sure...THEN, you will fly.....All you need to do is crouch down a little bit and push HARD against the ground and jump will FLY.  You MAY hover a bit, or you may shoot straight up super fast....I have flown around the earth - in space - like this before - in my dreams of course - and other times I could barely get off the ground...but I KNEW I WAS DREAMING........

    This is BASICALLY all you need to know to have your first lucid dream.  It MAY NOT WORK THE FIRST NIGHT.  IT SHOULD WORK THE FIRST NIGHT or perhaps the next.  It depends on HOW MANY TESTS YOU DO ALL DAY AND HOW WELL YOU TOLD YOURSELF YOU WILL KNOW YOU ARE DREAMING WHEN YOU ARE DREAMING.  It is important to note that when you lay down to sleep, do dream tests a few times in your room.  look at some signs on the wall.  You could make some signs like "YIELD" "STOP" "EXIT" "WELCOME" "ORANGE" or ANYTHING different or funny or normal - whatever.  Put them on your walls and look at them - look away - look back and do that dream test thing again - and again - and again - when you go to bed.  You don't HAVE TO do this, but it could help because you will be doing tests as you fall asleep!  REMEMBER TO DO THE AFFIRMATION AFTER EACH AND EVERY TEST:  "Okay, I am not dreaming.  BUT when I am dreaming I will recognize that I am dreaming.  Tonight I will fly!!!"

    Let me know how this works out....once you do this you will be amazed at having a controlled lucid dream.  YOU MAY WAKE UP RIGHT AWAY OR SOON AFTER.  IF YOU DO, I have a solution for this - but lets see it work with you first.....

    GO WHEREVER YOU WANT once you get going and flying.  Go see whomever you wish and talk with.  You can do ANYTHING in your dream - because YOU are the creator of your dream.  I have walked through SOLID WALLS.  I heard about something someone did once and tried it - it was funny....You go up to someone in your dream and tell them that "this is a dream."  and watch their reaction!  The really neat thing is that EVEN THOUGH YOU KNOW YOU ARE DREAMING - IT STILL FEELS TOTALLY TOTALLY TOTALLY REAL.  I don't know how old you are - but people have also had "lets call it romance" in their dreams - and with whomever they wanted.  This may not be the most important thing to you - and I can assure you that there are a lot of more spiritually fulfilling things that can be done in your dreams than "romance."  But this can all come after you discover that THIS WORKS in allowing you to have lucid dreams and control your dreams whenever you want.  Once you can do this, you can delve deeper into what more could be accomplished.  If you are worried about stopping from knowing you are dreaming when you are dreaming - or being lucid - DON'T WORRY.  Another amazing thing is that you WON'T succeed unless you want to.  You are always in control.  

    Try this - do the tests ALL DAY AND OFTEN and do the AFFIRMATION EVERY TIME AFTERWARDS.  

    Let me know how you do.


  2. Just before you go to sleep, tell your dreams what kind of dream you would like to have.  For example, once I told my dreams that if I was having a dream in which I was running away from something that was chasing me, I wanted to stop running, turn and face what it was that I was running from and ask it what it wanted to tell me.  And that night I had a dream in which I did just that.

    Incidentally, this is not necessarily lucid dreaming.  You can have a programmed dream like the above without being conscious in the dream that you're dreaming (I wasn't).

  3. P.1208 - §3 While their mortal hosts are asleep, the Spirit try to register their creations in the higher levels of the material mind, and some of your grotesque dreams indicate their failure to make efficient contact. The absurdities of dream life not only testify to pressure of unexpressed emotions but also bear witness to the horrible distortion of the representations of the spiritual concepts presented by the Spirit. Your own passions, urges, and other innate tendencies translate themselves into the picture and substitute their unexpressed desires for the divine messages which the indwellers are endeavoring to put into the psychic records during unconscious sleep.

    P.1681 - §4 7. The interpretation of dreams is largely a superstitious and groundless system of ignorant and fantastic speculation.

  4. You need to raise your awareness while dreaming.  try to remember every detail of the dream and try to fall asleep in the same positioning as you woke.  If you can remember to be aware while dreaming, you can be in control.

  5. it's called lucid dreaming, there is advice on the web.

  6. it is called Lucid Dreaming, and you start by trying to look at your hands when you are in a dream (any dream.) If you can see your hands, try and move them. Once you can move them with your mind, you can move things, and soon you will see that you can create things in your own dream. The dream world is yours to navigate. After maybe 10 to 50 tries you should be able to write your dreams as you want them to be. Then you are a Lucid Dreamer.

    Good Luck.

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