
How to transfer to new tank?

by  |  earlier

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I JUST set up a new tank (30 gallons) two weeks ago, and added my first fish, three small tiger barbs, on Monday. Yesterday my dogs bowled into it and chipped the corner. Its not leaking yet, but I am worried the chip/crack will spread. To be safe, I purchased a new tank (55 gallons).... now I am not sure what to do. Whats the best way of transfering a tank in 1st cycle with three small fish to a whole new tank?




  1. wow- that was unfortunate, wasn't it!! make sure you put this one out of doggies' reach! lol!

    go buy a baggy from the fish store and bag up your little ones- just rest them on the corner of the tank, as you did when you bought them, no need to tie them up.  

    then, syphon as much of the water out of their tank as possible, and straight into the new one- transfering the fish when the water levels seem right to support the bag.  

    if you have another tank they can go into temporarily (or a large jug or similar), then by all means pour the water straight out of one and into the other.

    top up the new tank with treated water, which should have been sitting for 24 hours to come to room temperature (please be safe and use the same water treatment), and add in any decorations, etc while theire still in their bag.  

    by then, they should be acclimatised to the water conditions, so they can be released! it's a long process, but much safer than netting them over!!

    hope this helps :)

  2. 1. remove some water from the tank and put it in a bucket or bag.  

    2. catch fish put them in this bag or bucket.

    3. remove half the water and put it into new tank

    4. remove gravel plants etc and put into new tank.

    5. remove rest of water and put into new tank.

    6. fill tank with clean de-chlorinated water, approx the same temperature as tank water.

    7. transfer filter and heater

    8. add some stress coat if you have it, also is a de-chlorinater

    9. add fish

    most of the cycled bacteria is in the filters and gravel. It is important not to let the filter dry out.  the water will be cloudy and will clear up in 12 hours or so.

    good luck

  3. put the fish in a bag of water at room temperature just as you bought them and set that bag of water(and fish) into the new tank wait about five minutes and then dump both bag and fish into the new tank this allows the fish to get used to the new temperature of their tank where if u just put them in their new tank they could die from the shock of the temperature change

  4. Wait for the water in the new tank to get room temperature, then just transfer the fish with a net.

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