
How to transition from feeding bottle to sipper cup?

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We are looking for some useful tips from experienced parents in transitioning our 1 year old son from using feeding bottle to sipper cup.

Thank you in advance.




  1. I would start with a set that has a soft tip and hard tip lid.  At Wal-Mart you can usually get a cup set that has two lids. I think I'm thinking of Playtex.  Or you can start with the cheapest ones (it always seems to happen that you spend a lot of money and the one you can get for $1.00 works!!) My little one liked the First Years plastic cups that you can buy individually, or in a pack with spoons and bowls as well.  I included their link below:

  2. I just introduced it with a very small amount of milk or water in it.  Not even every day- maybe every other day.  She'd carry it around a bit, sometimes try to drink from it.  The big thing is to not push them.  Start gradually introducing it more and more.  Maybe when they are getting some food at the highchair.  They will get used to seeing it and then get used to using it.  Make sure you get one that's for a beginner and the liquid still does not come out too fast.  Don't go crazy and buy a ton.  See what the baby likes first.

  3. you can't completly take him off the bottle until he is used to using the cup which can take a while because bottle's can be very soothing to a baby at bed time. just start by giving him juice in his cup when he eats then you can start to add the milk in as time goes on. he's a little young to just do the drastict thing of just throwing the bottle's away so just get him used to it first before you completly elimante them.

  4. The same way as you teach him to use anything else, demonstrate. You have a drink, offer him a drink, and keep that up until he gets bored with the game. Then leave it lying around so he can play and familiarise himself with it. He'll get the hang of it sooner or later. Treat it as a toy until he's proficient, then you can take away the bottle.

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