
How to trap a lost rat?

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my little 3 month old max got loose and it has been a week and we still cant catch him. he is very fast. i just reall want him back his brother is so lonely and getting depressed




  1. My hamster got lost once, and we set up a food trail leading to his cage. Just take your rat's favorite food and make a thin trail leading up to the cage with more as you get closer. You can also make a ramp leading up to a plastic bucket, with food at the bottom. Rats are smart though - I don't think a rat would fall for that.

    If you can see him running around in an area, close the door to the room and wait until he stops running around. He will eventually get tired! You could scoop him up with a net or toss a light sheet over him -  my grandma always says animals who are lost or hurt will be scared, and they calm down if they can't see what's going on. Sounds backwards, but it works.

    If there are a lot of places to hide in the house and you don't see him often, make sure you close up the kitchen - don't leave food out or in cardboard boxes. If your rat has a food source, a water source, and somewhere to hide, he won't need to come to you or fall for a food trap.

    Also, just listen. My hamster didn't fall for the food trap we laid out, but my dad insists they work sometimes. Your rat will eventually sleep, or sit and nibble on something. If you can find his hiding spot, you can catch him when he's tired.

  2. A friendly non killing trap filled with his favorite treat.

  3. put a deep, comepletely unescapable box on ground in dark place that rat goes often. prop a board against side of box.make trail of small irresistable treats up "ramp" make sure they are not filling. tape a peice of toilet paper to end of  board so it hangs down into bottom of box. use peanut butter to stick some more of the treats just down out of reach on side of box. last, on the farthest side from the ramp, (but still in box) place an extra smelly, favorite treat. i find bananas and other strong odored fruits to work quite nicely. the goal is to get the rat to follow the trail of small treats up the ramp, then try to hang down by his bach feet to get the trail down the inside of the box. imagine his surprise when the toilet paper breaks and he falls in the box. oh well, he thinks... i got a banana in  here. when he fills up and gets heavy with food, he realises that he cant get out. gotcha!

  4. you need peanut butter and a live trap (about $20) and u got him

  5. try putting food in a little box/hamster ball and when he goes into it just tip it up and catch him, sounds easier than it is, i know ive lost my little roborovski hamsters before (the smallest and fastest of the hamster breed) but i managed to get them back, good luck x

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