
How to travel to cuba?

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my dad (cuban) is a US citizen and he really needs to go to cuba to see my brother whom is really sick. Can he go trough mexico or canada like everyone else says? Are there any flights from miami to cuba?Does he need like a special permit or something to go to cuba?




  1. In that case, he should ask the Cuban consulate. The rules, laws, etc, change every time these people go to the bathroom

  2. He can go through Canada, all he needs is his passport.  There are regularly scheduled flights by Air Canada and Cubana Air from Toronto and Montreal.  There are also several charter companies which sell air only which fly from major Canadian cities.  see the links below.

  3. To go to Cuba your father needs a cuban visa.To get it  he has to does some formalities.But he can go through mexico or Canada.Moreover some persons works on that your father just has to pass the luggage of that person and that's it .It is a safe form.My cousin went to Cuba through that form. Good luck

  4. Both Riki and Shadow gave you good and true information.

    But if your dad is Cuban and he has immediate family there...his son...the US government will give him a special travel license and he can go to Cuba from the States.

    There are flights from Miami to Cuba. And considering the nature and urgency of the trip, the OFAC would most likely grant that without much delay.

    THIS is the link you want for 'Fast Request' to visit an immediate family member:

    All the best!

  5. Yes, he needs a special permit. It is normally not legal for US citizens to spend money in Cuba. The US government considers travel to Cuba as evidence that money was spent. However, exceptions are granted for citizens who are visiting family members.

    Many people will tell you that people simply ignore the law and travel there without getting caught. It's true that most do not get caught.  However, he can be arrested or fined if he does get caught. Obtaining a license eliminates any risk.

    The following information is copied from the US State Department website:

    "OFAC will issue specific licenses authorizing travel-related transactions incident to one visit lasting no more than 14 days to immediate family members who are nationals of Cuba per three-year period. For those who emigrated to the United States from Cuba, and have not since that time visited a family member in Cuba, the three-year period will be counted from the date they left Cuba.

    Persons wishing to travel to Cuba under a specific license should send a letter specifying the details of the proposed travel, including any accompanying documentation, to the Licensing Division, Office of Foreign Assets Control, U.S. Department of the Treasury, 1500 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20220."
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