
How to treat a child with autism?

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I recently met a child with autism. I walked up to the child and said hello and asked the child a question of two. I even asked about the object the child was holding that calms him or her. Was I wrong to go up and try to talk to the child and ask if I might hold his toy? Should I have done anything different? The child's guardian didn't seem to mind.

Thanks for reading : )




  1. You did fine. Be careful not to invade his space or try to touch him. Both could trigger a negative reaction. Children with autism are at different levels on the spectrum and some can handle more stimulation than others but they all have their limits.

    As long as you are watching for signs of agitation, there is nothing wrong with talking to him. Its probably a nice change to the parents. So many  people are intimidated and don't know what to do so they act like the child isn't even there.  

  2. No, you weren't wrong at all.  If he didn't get upset and his parent's didn't either, you did things right.  Just be very aware of how a child with autism reacts to you, so that you can change your approach if he/she seems irritated and don't be afraid to ask the parents what the child likes/doesn't like.

  3. don't ask michael savage

  4. For treating autism. I have heard of changing the childs diet sometimes help.  But I am not for sure.

  5. Did someone say you were wrong?

    Be careful about touching a child with autism unless you know the child.  My niece loves to be touched as long as you don't hug her.  

    But I knew one guy who said a man in a store patted him on his head & the kid dropped to the floor in a tantrum!  (Larry! Moe! Cheese!)

    I don;t think there is any harm in talking to the child, but watch carefully for clues as to what the child can deal with.  

    What is fine for one child with autism can trigger a holy tantrum in another child with autism.

  6. You are fine.  As long as his mother thinks it is ok, than everything is fine.  I agree with the person who wrote about touching and such.  I would not touch him, as you do not know how he is going to be.  Autistic children need attention too.  

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