
How to treat ferret for ringworm and protect us?

by  |  earlier

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the vet is closed today ill call tommow.i saw a spot on her spine about the size of a pencil earaser. it looked like ringworm so i try reasearching the net and found pics of humans ringworm. im pretty sure thats what it is. i bought some human cream for athlets foot and ringworm(and a bottle of germx for me). i put a tiny dot of cream on it twice today it already looks better. how do i protect me and my family from geting long does it take to get rid of it as she will have to stay in her cage until its all gone for are protection. should i use bleach water to clean her cage down with daily. im freaking out over this any help would greatly be apeciacted.




  1. Handle her with gloves until the fur starts growing back in.  She shouldn't need to stay in her cage, you just shouldn't let her touch your bare skin or roll around on, for example, clean clothes you intend on wearing, your hairbrush, or other items that would be in close contact with your skin.  I wouldn't worry overly much about cleaning the cage with bleach, the fungus is usually transmitted only through direct contact with the infected animal's hair or skin.  It's possible that you or another family member have already been exposed, though, so don't be surprised if you end up with a spot.  It itches like heck, but otherwise it's easily treatable and not a big deal.  If it's not rapidly getting better and hair doesn't soon start filling in, you may need to have your vet administer an oral systemic antifungal to get rid of it, some infections are resistant to topical products.

  2. don't pick up the ferret -leave it in the habitat.  contact the vet for advice & treatment.

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