
How to treat fin rot in a goldfish?

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My white oranda goldfish has got fin rot. I can tell this by its fins being blood streaked and looking ragged. But i think that when i bought the fish it already had fin rot because i could see the blood streakes in its tail faintly but i thought it wa nothing but now it seems alot worse and i can see them really clearly. But none of my other goldfish are infected with it and they both seem perfectly fine. Before this i gave it a salt bath with table salt and it looked better but then it went back to what it was. So then i tried to treat it with an aquarium salt salt bath and that seems to have done nothing i have also tried adding the aquarium salt to fish tank and it doesn't look any better. He also just floats around in my tank doing nothing and sometimes he just lays under the filter like he is dead, please help because i really don't want him to die. Also is there any other ways of treating him rarther than antibiotics because i don't have the money atm so please help. Thanks




  1. Im really sorry thats happening to your fish, well i use to have many fish but they died but a year ago i got a beta fish and it was fine for a couple of months and me and my mom was looking at him and we saw bubbles on his skin and we thought we could fix it but he kept on going big and big and when i went to my school bbq we came home he was floating around and so we put him in a cup for days and untill it came that day .............he was dead i missed him so much............ but he was old...... i know you think why is this happening and gold fish just come and go not trying to bring you done but there is a chance of your goldfish dying  by the way how old is you goldfish and if your fish does die just remeber the fish died for a reason .......... and you'll never forget him or her life isn't perfect just remember that you have 2 other fish so then get a new one if you can do that (if its hard for you to let your fish go) anyway i hoped it helped............

  2. Go to your local pet store, and buy aquarium salt. It will heal it slowly, but succesfully. Mine has it right now, but its just about healed now.

    Its API AQUARIUM SALT. Thats the label. Ask a pet store employee where it is. And its cheap. Mine was only 3 dollars.

  3. Check out this web site.

    How to Get Rid of Fin Rot

    Getting rid of fin rot. ... In my experience, the most effective fin rot ... Betta and goldfish fin rot can also be combated by raising the temperature a few ... - Cached

  4. Frankly, it sounds to me like your fish has more than fin rot.  It sounds like a fairly advanced case of hemmorhagic septicemia (sp?), because of the bloody streaks.  Also, that is less contagious than fin rot.  I'm afraid that salt alone will not cure this.  It will help your fish's immune system battle it by boosting its slime coat and will probably help your fish feel more comfortable, but salt is not a cure.  

    Your fish needs antibiotics.  I recommend Maracyn II.  If you cannot afford antibiotics, you should probably euthanize your fish and put it out of its misery.  I'm very sorry, but that would be the kindest thing for your fish at this point.

  5. flush 'em .

  6. I always put rocksalt with methylene blue in the quarantine tank catch your your goldfish and quarantine it don't forget good aeration.

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