
How to trust someone as a locker partner?

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I'm going to be the 7th grade next year and I'm devastated. All my best friends were placed in other classes and I end up with my art teacher who believes we're best friends because we know each other without any of my good friends! Now, our school has limited number of lockers and I have to have a locker partner. The thing is I'm sure I'm going to end up a new kid as a locker partner but how am I suppose to trust mylocker partner if I don't know them so well? Are there any ways to find someone who I could trust by just hearing them talk a little or just by looking at them? I don't want to share with a boy because I can't trust them with my pads and tampons in the locker (I'm positive if I do have a boy locker partner, they'll attempt to put a tampon in their nose because it has happened before).




  1. Save yourself a lot of trouble and grief and choose not to share your locker. As a student, you do have rights. One of those rights is privacy. If you feel uncomfortable sharing your locker with someone you don't know personally, then talk to your teacher. If they say no (which they shouldn't) then go ahead and talk to the principal. They'll be glad to help.

    Or you could just make a new friend. Make sure that you both set down some rules regarding the lockers. For example, not sharing the locker combination with anyone except yourselves, NO STEALING, make sure that its clean and neat. By laying down some boundaries, they know you won't tolerate any nonsense and respect you. They should agree. I'm sure they're just as worried as you. Who knows..maybe they suspect you'll be a bad locker buddy.

    As for the boy thing, keep your personal stuff with you in your backpack. It eliminates the risk of him ever finding out. Also, you could find out a little about your locker partner . Do some research by asking people what they think of him/her. But ulimately, if you really want to know..go up to them and strike up a conversation. You could start by saying, "Hey your my new locker buddy! Wanna hang out?" Or something like that.

    hope I helped ^^

  2. if it affects you that personally, then ask to not have a partner. as described, you need your privacy. fight for it

  3. Well, you can suggest something to your school. I'm sure your school can't force shared lockers on you if you specifically request not to. If the school does do this, then any lost property will be the school's responsibility.

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