
How to try and get rid of public school rule?

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OK so my public school wont allow people to have bright colored high or high lights. i think that is so dumb. all my old public schools let me and now this one wont. how do i try and get rid of this rule??????

also this is in the US




  1. first off all, thats a really unfair and unjust rule, its not like your b***s are hanging out or something, id ask why thats the rule and take it to the schoolboard cause thats just ridiculous

  2. you know, i feel for you. i think that hair color is none of their business and education should be the first objective of school.

    in todays world schools put discipline first, then, somewhere why down the line, education.

    you may want to mention that to the jackass that made the hair color rule.

    my son got detention last year over 10 times because his hair would be like 1/8 of an inch to long. i cut his hair every dang 2 weeks to make the freaking school happy.

    he's grades sucked due to these dumb rules and they didn't care. 3 detentions 3 demerits every d**n week for bullsh*t like that.

    they didn't care he is amazing on guitar and percussion, they only cared if his hair was to long. so i asked them, being that they were a christian school, "would you make jesus get a hair cut too"?

    look, its your hair. if you aren't getting the education you need. who the heck cares about your high lights. they should be helping you get smarter so your life will be a bit easier in the future to get to a good college or job.

    I wish you the best of luck. High lights rock! people running schools are a bunch of small minded fools.


  3. You and your parents may want to join the school's community council and bring this issue up to the administration.  Your parents also have the right to meet with members of the administration, asking about this rule.

    My students last year attempted to create a petition, however they left out last names and addresses.  It looked quite incomplete when they showed it to me.  

  4. a petition, idk ask a bunch of parents that you know  to sign it, maybe a hundred, depends on how large your school is.

    200-300 students: 150 signatures on a petition

    400-500: about may 350 or more

  5. Get your hair highlighted.:) and go to school. Be rebellious!

  6. how old are you. try going to school board meetings and suggesting to overturn and allow bright colored shirts. and since it is a modification to the dress code policy i think there should be a good reason for not allowing those kind of highlights.

    but by looking at your user name and reading your question im guessing your not old enough to attend board meetings i think.

    but i mean bright highlights not allowed!! the worlds going to end!

  7. well thats is pretty stupid okay well you and your friends can start a petition and get all the students to sign and teachers too give it to your principle and he should allow it sense a lot have signed it  that what me and my friend did to get our privilege of bring skateboards and eating outside again and it worked  

  8. You can't, right when you enter school, you lose most of your rights...  

  9. Write a letter and get friends and people to sing on another page who agree with you. Send it to the school district administration office ( find the address in the phone book or on the school district site), and make the letter sound serious. Also be rebellious to start a controversy and include other friends to highlight there hair, then with the controversy maybe the school will loosen the rules or even allow highlights.

    EDIT: Also, are you sure the rule means like bright as in pink,ect.? Because some people are born with naturally bright hair, and they can't force them to change it. You really need to talk to the district administrators about this.

    EDIT::Get copies made one way or another of both the petition and your letter (you may want to get other people to write letters and include them in there) and send one set of papers off to the Admin. office and give on to your principal.

    EDIT:No, you don't lose rights except for maybe staying at home, ect. But kids need to learn that teachers are the center of the Earth and the principals aren't God at school. I've always and still will stand up for what's right and if I feel something needs to be said I say it. I will not let them boss me around and yell at me like the other students do. Last year a girl wrote like sexual words in my binder but I got in trouble for it because it was my binder so the principal was gonna make me say them out loud over the phone to my mom and when she handed me the phone my mom said "give that lady the phone back" and I did and my mom was talking to her and all the principal could say was Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry. She got chewed out because all those people in the school think they can do whatever they want. It doesn't work that way. Talk to your mom about it, and if you get in trouble it could go as far as the school getting sued for something like censorship except with appearances.

    (yet another) EDIT: I agree apple chick the schools don't give a s**+' about education, they just want the school to look nice and discipline everybody. Also last year I got in trouble for going upstairs before upstairs was actually open, to get my backpack, when I had to because a girl threw it up there. I skipped out on the after school I got, and when they called the house they got chewed out yet again. They no longer say anything if I do something they don't like, because I already tole em, and so did my mom, if they go so far as touching me or detaining me without letting me talk, I'm calling my mom and she deal with them. And if they don't let me call her (they have to by laws but if they don't) then as soon as I get home she's calling the cops and a lawyer. She's fed up with these dumbas* people at the schools cause I'm a good kid, get good grades, but the school admins go wayy overboard.

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