
How to ttake care of a hummingbird

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My friend found this hummingbird on the lawn. I think my cat bit it. It seems fine, but I don't know if it has internal injuries. It tries to fly away, but just flutters around. We don't want it to die.




  1. You need to call your local Division of Wildlife,as the bird has very special needs.It needs to be fed a special formula,and it needs very small insects.It also needs to eat almost continuosly throughout the day,and if it was bitten by a cat,it will need antibiotics right away,as cats have some bad bacteria in their mouths.Also,are you sure it isn't a baby learning to fly? Offer it some sugar water.( one tablespoon of sugar to 4 tablespoons of water,boil and cool,) with an eyedropper,just trickle a bit on the tip of the bird's bill and it should drink.This might give it a boost so it can get up and flying.In the meantime,start calling veterinarians to get the number of a liscensed wildlife rehabber.

  2. it is against the law for you to be in possession of the hummingbird.  contact a licensed wildlife rehabber in your area immediately for proper care of the hummingbird.  if you continue to care for it yourself, it will not make it.  see websites below.  thank you.

  3. If you call your local division of wildlife office, they should be able to get you in touch with a local rehabilitator.  Wild birds have very specific needs, and need to be cared for by trained individuals.  In addition, it is against state and federal laws to keep a wild migratory bird without a permit.  Hummingbirds need both nectar and insects, and it is important that the bird be cared for by someone with experience.

  4. call any wild bird oraganization, dont take it couase your kill it >:|

  5. Call your humane society, animal control, wildlife, anything that deals with wild animals or birds

  6. ok get this little bird to a vet that takes injured wildliife or a wildlife rehabber. Any bird that gets caught by a cat needs to be put on strong anitbiotic asap as cat saliva is toxic to them. It also needs to eat constantly to live. It may have severe injury be in shock or be a fledgling. First keep it warm. Put in a container with a lid so does not get out. Put a heat pad under half of container. Then set up a little hummingbird feed with nectar low so he can get to it. Call and get him somwhere right away if possible. It is free to bring wildlife to vet who accepts them and or to a rehabber. the vet will not put to sleep if it can be saved and released that is what wildlife rehab is all about. Thanks for helping it.    

  7. You cannot take care of the hummingbird. It sounds as if it is injured, and even if it weren't, it is illegal to possess a wild animal, no matter the circumstances. You need to find a wildlife rehabilitator--there is a good regional listing at they will know how to take care of it, and give it the best chance for survival.

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