
How to turn a chicken egg in an incubator?

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hi everyone

i really need to know how to turn a chicken egg in a inqubater,i no what time to change it add know how many hours after i have to change it but 1 thing i dont know how to turn it e.g:

turn it left

turn it right

if anyone can help me please help





  1. Make an x on the egg shell with a pencil.  Then you know where the top or bottom is.  Turn your eggs at least 2 times a day, (many chick producers have the automatic fancy stuff that turns eggs every few hours) and make sure you rotate them 180 degrees.  When I put eggs in the incubator I put them in with the pointy side up.  Then I rotate them by putting the big side up.  Don't turn the eggs after the 18th day.  (takes 21 days to hatch)  Please read my profile.  

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