
How to turn a vegan into a meat eater?

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How would you suggest I do this? I need some real advice. I care for my sister and she's become incredibly unhealthy and depressed since going vegan. She doesn't listen to me when I tell her how she needs to start eating meat again. I need another approach. I'm considering going on a hunger strike.




  1. Yep, try the hunger strike.

    And work on making up stories that are a bit more credible.

  2. Don't try to push her, or she'll push back even harder. Instead, tell her you're worried about her health. Demonstrate that with real, specific examples.

    Point out what it is you think she's missing (don't say "meat" or even imply it) and where she can get it within the bounds of her current diet. If you're genuinely worried about her health, you will try to help her work on it in her way. I promise that there are other ways to be strong, healthy, and happy than by eating meat.

    Your resistance to her being vegan makes it seem like you care less about her health and more about the fact that she isn't eating meat/dairy. This is also evidenced by your response to someone's (totally legitimate) suggestion that you do some research on nutrition. It seems like you're just upset that she's not eating animal products.

    That needs to be your new approach: act like you actually care about her health and not her decision to be vegan. Show her that you're concerned about her health. Do what you can to show that you respect her lifestyle choices as well. If you can manage to do both of those things, you'll come across as sincere and loving and she's far more likely to listen to you and not think you're trying to "trick" her into eating meat.

  3. I think you sould eat a little of everything.  Vegen diets can be rough.  I have tried not to eat meats and I paid for it.

  4. first of all it's okay to be vegan she just needs to know what to eat tell her to do some research on the internet im vegan and im fine  

  5. I can't advise you on how to help your sister, but DO NOT place your own health in jeopardy to prove a point. That's the best I can do to help.

    You can't help your sister if you're too sick yourself.  

  6. what is she eating? she needs to eat some healthy things like fruits and veggies...she should be drinking plenty of liquids. she does not have to eat meat to be healthy, she just needs to be eating right

  7. Well it depends...why is she vegan? To loose weight or ethical reasons? If it's ethical then she should go to a local farm, farmer's market or something where you can get cheese and eggs without hormones and where the animals have been treated nicely. Pick up some fruit and veggies that she will eat while you're at it. Try that for a while and see how her health does, you don't want her hating herself for eating meat. BUT if she's vegan just to loose weight then start off with dairy products slowly then add chicken. Chicken soup, salad with chicken, deli chicken meat ect.... maybe one meat product a week for a month then twice a week ect...she shouldn't get too sick that way, chicken is pretty easy on the stomach.

  8. I cant help you change her into an omni again, but instead why dont you respect her decision and help her with the diet.  

  9. she's sad because other people are eating meat in front of her. don't eat meat when you're around her. you may have to learn to respect her wishes. she's an animal lover and you can't change that. take her to places where you and her can save animals that may make her happier.  

  10. very slowly....dont get carried away try small things first leave beef for can really do damage on their system if they eat to much at once.

  11. I doubt she needs to start eating meat again. But it could be that either (a) She isn't properly educated on vegan nutrition (b) She might have an eating disorder or the like that she is using vegetarianism/veganism to cover over (c) Biological problems that might need checking over that are independent of diet (d) other emotional difficulties or (e) all of the above, or more.

    I'd say you need to do some investigation before going on any hunger strikes, or blaming veganism as a knee jerk reaction. Properly planned for (like any other diet) vegan diets are more than adequate nutritionally, and plenty of people can and do thrive on them, as several Olympic gold winning athletes can testify.

    So you need to do some investigating. If lack of knowledge of proper nutrition is an issue, is the site to visit, written by a registered vegan nutritionist. Visiting one vegan nutritionist local to your area may also be of help if this is the case.

    All the best for you and your sister, and good luck.

  12. u shudn't tell here what she shud & shud not eat. that mite get her upset& not wanna listen 2 u. instead suggest things. say stuff like "i feel u shud start eating meat again 4 'so& so reasons'. i'm not telling u 2, but i think that way of living is better& i care about u." maybe the reason she's unhealthy& depressed is not b-cuz she's a vegan, but HOW & WHAT she's doing. u can't just cut meat, dairy,& eggs out of ur meals& expect evrything 2 b ok. the 2 of u shud do sum research about it so she can b a vegan& b healthy& happy. :)

  13. Are you a doctor?  Because if not, then you really don't know what is causing your sister's depression and you have no way of knowing whether or not she is 'unhealthy.'  Maybe she is depressed that her brother is so uneducated about her choices and that he judges her and doesn't mind his own frigging business.

    Mind your own business.  You do not know what you are talking about.

  14. I would encourage her to take her health seriously. You can't make the decision for her about being a vegan could encourage her to take a look at her diet. She may need vitamins, minerals, or more protein. I would suggest she take Vitamin B every day. Vegans and Vegetarians sometimes struggle to find it in their food and B is associated with mood.

    It is a very personal decision to not eat meat. There are ways to be happy and healthy without sacrificing your health as a vegan.

    Buy her "Becoming Vegan" book. It is a nice way to support her decision, give her a gift, and give her serious information about nutrition as a vegan!

  15. Don't try to get her to eat meat if she doesn't want to....some stores sell fake meat products (chick'n nuggets, boca burgers) try to get her to eat some of that. She probably isn't getting all of the nutrients she needs, if you try to give her some of that she should feel better. My cousin has been a vegan for 15 years and she is healthier than most people I know, you just have to get the right products.

  16. there are plenty of perfectly healthy vegans out there. actually they live on average 6-10 yrs longer. the problem with your sister is not that she's vegan, it's something else....

    one very common problem with many vegans is that they stick to the same 5 or 10 foods and don't diversify their diets enough. in turn, there are certain vitamins that they do not get enough of, and they can get sick or weak as a result.  I can't stress this enough -- MAKE SURE SHE IS TAKING A MULTIVITAMIN, and do some cooking with her to assure she is getting well-balanced meals.

    additionally, please explore the fact that things like depression can affect one's body physically, and the weakness could be because of something like that and not because of her food intake at all.

    and i agree with the person below who asked if she is vegan to lose weight or for other reasons... hate to break it to you buddy, but if she is vegan because she thinks eating meat is a form of animal cruelty, she's not going to start eating chicken for you. please understand that the way vegans view eating chicken is the same as how you might view eating moose testicles or someone's puke. we just think it's gross. not to mention if she hasn't eaten it in awhile and starts to, she could get even sicker.

  17. cook bacon everyday

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