
How to turn down a girl who asks if you're single?

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Sometimes i meet a girl through friends or something and we get talking. And because im that type of guy, i engage in interesting conversation with them. But then they ask if im single. I am single, but i am in no way attracted to the girls some of the time and i have no idea how to turn her down! I have given several bad answers and none went down well.

Basically, what can i say when she says "are u single" (or "do u have a girlfriend") to turn them down but not make them feel like i am a prick for turning them down.

PS Im 21 so we're not talking high school or nuthin!




  1. just tell them ur seeing someone.

  2. Just play with the question. like...

    "whos wants to know?"


    "what if i am?"

    "You tell me."

    "what do you think?"

    "Maybe. Maybe not."

    and find a magical way to change the subject haaha

    or pray a buddy of yours interrupts you two.


    Say your just plainly not interested.

    or Emotionally unavailable.

    or last resort, say you have  a girlfriend. haha.

    Hope this helps

  3. Tell them you are dating someone. But if they happen to already know that you're available then just tell them your trying to "find yourself" right now or  that youwork too much to start dating anyone right now. Of course you could also say your in a long term, long distance relationship. Just so you know any excuse no matter how good is gonna make the girl feel rejected ,so the simpler the better, don't give too many details. Hope one of these help.

  4. well, from experience, i actually say that you're not ready yet to have a relationship because you have to focus on your studies at university or work, and tell her in a nice what  that you want to be friends

    Best of luck !

  5. ur kidding, just be honest with finesse

  6. just tell them ur single. If they ask u out of anything, say you arent looking for  anything right now.  or tell them ur not single!

  7. ''am sigle,but not ready 2 mingle!!''

    or.....say dat yr NOT single.....

  8. Err...I don't think you wanna know about it...but then I'm happy to have girlfriends to talk, no comment.

    i think this will be on the safe side.  

  9. i have a few things to say...

    - don't just say "yes" if they ask if you're single. then they will ask you out or whatever they want to do to get you guys together, and if you say "no" to that too, then they break down and cry in a corner, etc.

    - don't just say "no" if they ask if you have a girlfriend, for the same reasons.

    - (if you are single at the time) say "yes, i like being single because i think living alone will help me find my true self." she will probably think you're a very thoughtful person, and she won't mind. if she asks if you have a girlfriend, be sure to say no, not yes.

  10. Say you're just out of a big relationship and not ready for anyone else?

    or that you're really interested in someone else

  11. Be like "no i dont, im just happy being single for the time being"

    that would work !?

    help me please ?;...

  12. today I'm dating a grany.


  13. just tell them that yes you are single and that your happy that way. or maybe add that your interested in someone!!!

  14. Well, it's always going to be hard if you say your single.  Because they will think there is something wrong with them.  When there may not be.  And it all depends on how often you talk to these girls.  If you only see them once then a little lie won't hurt them to save their feelings by saying your taken, or in my case going deployed for 6 months.  But if you see them more that a couple times, then your going to have to tell them the truth.  Because just like little kids, the longer you wait the harder it will be to tell them.  So, you might as well just let them know up front.

  15. It's best to be straightforward by saying "sorry I am not interested"

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