
How to turn myself around at school?

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ok in year 6 i was greatly behaved and i had decent scores in my sats then in year 7 all of a sudden i was misbehaving skipping some classes not days i think it was because of my friends that are all naughty and everything i was trying to behave but i always kept on misbehaving and ofcourse it's getting in the way of my learning i'm a christion and my parents really want me to do well .i heard just a few minutes age that my brother did not pass any of his gcses and the college he was planning to go to doset want him . i really really dont want to be like that at all so i''m making a change for year 8 so any advice please people and if you passed plaease tell me how you did it




  1. 1. When your friends try to convince you, a simply head shake "no" will help you stay in class. Say no. Don't listen to peer pressure. If they hate you for it, they wern't your friends in the first place

    2. Take notes. The best way to learn. If you write down what you are taking in, more likely to remember writing it. Also, it's a good way to review.

    3. Study. When you know a test is coming up, study for it. Flash cards are a great way. Write the question/vocabulary word on the front and the answer/definition on the back. Ask someone to hold them up for you. Re-read your notes. Try to remember it. You can re-write them in smaller/shorter terms so when you study it, it'll be faster and easier to remember. For example, if part of your notes was a vocab word, like this:

    learning- when your mind conceives infomation brought by eyes or ears.

    You could condense it to this:

    learning- understanding info.

    4. Don't be afraid to ask questions. Ask your teacher the question when it comes up, so you won't mess up your processing. Or, if you can't ask the question, write it down so you won't forget. Ask after class.

    5. Do your homework. Before doing anything when you get home, do homework. Eat a snack before, of course, but don't watch T.V, text, call, or anything until homework is complete and read-over.

    6. Have a routine. For example, this is mine:

    4:00pm- get home, eat a snack

    5:00pm- start on homework

    6:00pm- eat dinner, relaz

    7:00pm- study time and finish homework

    8:30pm- get ready for bed (brush and change clothes), and finish studying

    9:00pm- relax, watch TV

    10:00pm- Sleep

    7. Sleep well, eat three meals a day, and go to every class.

    Good luck my man. Oh, I'm a 7th grader and this is what I do.

  2. Hang out with another crew and focus more on your grades.

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