
How to unclog ears?

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my ears are really clogged and stuffy because i am in the process of healing from Sinusitis. i fell a lot better now that i have medications to take but my ears are really clogged. i can barely hear out of them. Is there any way to reduce the stuffy-ness




  1. If it's from wax build-up, try ear candles.  It's a wax cone that kind of looks like a candle, but it's hollow on the inside.  You put it in your ear, and light the end of the ear candle with a lighter.  The suction from the fire (know quite sure how it works, research it on the internet?) pulls all the deep ear wax from your ear (way safer than digging deep with a q-tip).

    If it's from your sinuses, I would try a neti pot.  It's been a huge deal since it was on Oprah last year.  I've sold over 600 neti pots.  It looks like a teapot.  You mix warm water and himalayan crystal salt (or other salt without iodine) and hold it up to one nostril.  Then you tilt over, and let the water go up your nose, and out your other nostril.  Then switch nostrils.  It's not as bad as it sounds, haha.  It really helps people with Sinusitis.  the salt water helps decrease inflammation in the sinuses, which will open up your ears too (everything is connected: mouth--> nose-->ears)

    You can find both of these items at pretty much any health store, as well as online stores.

    Hope this helps!

  2. umm... try a decongestant.  that usually will so the trick.  consult doctor though if you are taking prescription medicines.

  3. warm oil in the ears.  try olive oil with a drop or two of tea tree oil.  It will slowly reduce the build up.  Other than that, you can get a doctor to irrigate the ears to get rid of the blockage, and then once or twice a month use the warm oil.

    Edit: Do not use a q tip, it will push wax back into the ear.

    Candling, have done it, but unless you have someone very trustworthy, I would veer away from it.  I almost set my husband's hair on fire.  LOL.  Plus, there has been a few studies done, where all that has been found at the base of the candle is beeswax from the candle itself.  The theory is correct, because it "should" create a type of vacuum effect.  

    An irrigation, and warm oil is the safest way to go.  You also can get homeopathic ear drops (which stink), they usually have garlic and other stuff in them.
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