
How to undertake Environment & Energy conservation program in one's locality in the easiest & cheapest way?

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How to undertake Environment & Energy conservation program in one's locality in the easiest & cheapest way?




  1. you could ask a local store if you can have a "soapbox" area to present what information you have. you could print out pamphlets from your house and make copies.

    you could also try to make your own group that cleans local parks or beaches every weekend.

    or also plant different types of indoor plants on your free time and give them out for FREE when people sign a waiver to have your city use "GREENER" products.

    it could all start with yourself and a little effort. :)

    good luck! We all can save the world!

  2. The first thing you'll need is planning.  This will take your time, some ink, some 100% recycled paper, and some research.

    You will probably have a steep hill to climb to get the municipality to go along with a plan such as this because for the most part governments do not want to take big leaps.  Politicians have to get reelected and sometimes these projects take years to pay off, in the mean time it's money lost and voters will oust the people responsible.

    That said, with ever rising gasoline costs I think the easiest step for you will be to convince your citizens to lean on the government to go with eco-friendly cars.  I know most of the governmental cars in this area are Ford Crown Victorias, getting about 14 miles to the gallon.  Well we could probably get them to convert to Escape Hybrids and save 50% of our fuel costs per year.

    You'll want to develop a list of things that individuals and the government can implement to achieve conservation of resources in your area.  Next you'll need to gather at least 10 volunteers to promote your plan.  You'll need to teach them the high points and give them rebuttals that they can give to naysayers.  Next these volunteers (and you of course) will need to go out in the community and talk this plan up.  Go to Walmart or Meijer or any other big box store where a lot of people are coming in and out.  Get your information out there.

    Next get some people to attend city commission meetings and ask government to implement your plan.  Keep going back in ever rising numbers until the commission/mayor/trustees see that you and the community are serious.

    Finally, keep at it.  Even if you get your plan installed with citizens and city employees following it, push for ever increased conservation.  If you get government to change to hybrid vehicles, see if you can get them to plant more trees.  Keep adding things to the plan that will make your city the greenest it can be.

    The only real cost is your time and how highly you value it.  Of course the price of sloth is a weakened Earth.

  3. most likely you want community based social marketing.

    to do this you:

    ask a few people why they don't undertake sustainable behaviour.

    do a larger survey to find out which of the mentioned issues it the biggest barrier

    work out a way to over come that barrier.

    for example if you found that most people use heaters too much because they dint realise they used a lot of electricity then you might start an education campaign and drop flyers of some such activity.

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