
How to unlock the administrator account?

by  |  earlier

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im locked out of my admistrator account any one know a program a free program and how to unlnock it




  1. this isnt a program just restart and go into safe mode by restarting and constantly clicking f8 until you see run windows with safe mode, safe mode with networking and click the administrator user account,then once you get there everything will look bigger but just go to ur user accounts and change everything again

  2. Open cmd.exe as administrator.


    net user administrator /active on

    then exit and reboot, you should be able to login to the builtin admin account. This is useful on vista because you wont have to put up with UAC

    But you should immediately log into the administrator account after enabling it and set a password

    if you are locked out, run cmd.exe as admin, possibly via safe mode command prompt only

    then type

    net user <username> <new password>

    This should reset your password. Keep in mind you will lose access to ALL your encrypted files this way, I hope you backed those up.

    to boot into safe mode:


    Using the F8 Method

       1.      Restart your computer.

       2.      When the computer starts you will see your computer's hardware being listed. When you see this information start to gently tap the F8 key repeatedly until you are presented with the Windows Advanced Boot Options.

       3.      Select the Safe Mode Command Prompt only option using the arrow keys.

       4.      Do whatever tasks you require, and when you are done, reboot to go back into normal mode.

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