
How to unsubscrible to a group?

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How to unsubscrible to a group?




  1. click Edit My Groups top left tab- on far right you can check the box and click save changes, it will remove your memebrship

  2. On the Web:

       1. Sign in to Yahoo! Groups and go to your group on the web.

       2. From any page on the group, click the Edit Membership link at the top of the page.

       3. Click the Leave Group link at the bottom right of the page.

       4. Confirm on the next page.

    The group will no longer be listed on the My Groups page, and you’ll no longer receive messages.

    To leave/unsubscribe via email:

    From your email program, send a blank message to:

    Make sure to replace "groupname" with the actual name of the group (e.g.,

    Alternatively, you may wish to remain a member but reduce or eliminate group email by changing your message delivery option to No Mail/Web only, Daily Digest, or Special Announcement. From the "Edit Membership" Page, you can also change your email frequency settings to one of these options.

    Note: If you own a group, you must first give up your ownership in the Members section of your group before you can leave on the My Groups page.

  3. Here is how you can unsub from a group:

    1.Try to unsubscribe through:

    2. If this doesn't work out, send an e-mail to the group owner telling him/her to stop mailing you. (

    If these still didn't work for you try the following options:

    3. Block the address(es) or arrange your preferences so that they are sent to your bulk/spam folder.

    4. Contact yahoo customer care:

  4. here is way to unsubscribe yahoo group

    1. open website (yahoo group).

    2. click on edit membership (top left)

    3. click on leave group option

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