
How to up grade from fuse box to circuit breaker box?

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I want to upgrade from 60 amp fuse service to 100 amp breaker box. I know how to do everything except turn off the power at the service entrance. Does anyone have an answer for me?




  1. shut off the meter

  2. The Utilty Company will need to shut off the power.

    They won't turn it on again untill your work passes

    an inspection.

    Their incoming line and meter might need to be upgraded.

    Get 'all your ducks in a row' or

    Be prepared for a long power outage.

  3. Not sure but I would think you could have the power company shut off the power. I believe it could be done at the meter.

  4. You will have to have your electric company do that for you. There is a seal on the meter. If it is broken they get all kinds of PO'd.

  5. You have to call the power providing co., tell them you have a bad main breaker and you have to pull the meter outside, ask if they want a reading before, then you go to the meter, cut the tamperproof wire, open the housing, and pull straigh out, it has 4 copper prongs, don't touch the top ones, they will bite you, if you are doing the full 100, you have to call them and they will disconnect at the pole, then you have to replace everything, wire down to the meter, new 100A meter, 100A disconnect under meter, new wire to breaker panel, and new grounding rod. If you just do the branch panel in the basement, you are still only a 60a service, until it is all replaced up to the wire coming from the pole. I am a electrician.

  6. You don't.  Your local utility company HAS to be involved as does the electrical inspector.  Most utilities won't reconnect without the inspection tag.  If you know how to replace the panel, call your power company to see what they require.  You'll have to arrange a cutoff time and a rehook.   Don't be surprised if they require a pro to do the work.

  7. In most locations you must have a licensed electrician to swap out a service box.

    The utility company will be the one to contact to turn the power off.  You should call first, because they my require some changes at the same time.  For example, a larger service box, may require a new meter base and mast.

    Personally, I'd go for a 200 amp service panel with as many slots as I could get.  Costs a bit more, but you have plenty of room for additional circuits later.

    Also... you really need to consider upgrading the wiring in your home.... if you still have fuses, then you may still have some of the old cloth wrapped wiring.  IF you do, you should replace it....its a fire waiting to happen.

    When I replaced our service panel, I installed the new one right next to the old one.  I ran many of the new circuits ahead of time (additional outlets, etc).  When the utility came out to shut off the power, I was ready for them.  The new mast and meter base were already installed, and I was able to switch the wiring over from the old serice panel to the new, while they were there.  They ran new wires from the pole, and installed an upgraded transformer.  By the time they were done, I was done, and ready to have the power back on.  So it only took one call-out for them.

    Good Luck

  8. Call an electrician. You cannot have it approved if it is not turned on by a licensed electrician. It is nothing to play around with. He will turn off the power at the pole. Be careful. Call a pro!!!

  9. if you are confident and knowledgable enough, you can cut the service wires at the weatherhead, one-by-one, safing  off the

    ones from the pole after each cut. then replace everything you want to. service entrance cable, meter pan, and panel.

    when you have everything replaced, call the power company and ask for a hook-up!

    or, you could let somebody who know's what they're doing,

    do it safely and correctly the first time!


  10. call an electrician!

  11. If the wire entering your 60amp service is big enough for your 100 amp panel, you dont necessarily need to mess with the meter. If your careful and cordinated, you could pull the wires off the lugs, safe the ends off with electrical tape. Pull old panel off, install new panel, take the tape off and reconnect the wires. Wearing rubber gloves or other safety precautions, will reduce your chance of being killed.

    Me: I.B.E.W   21 years

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