
How to upload a website I designed?

by  |  earlier

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I designed a website for my mom using Adobe Flash CS3, is there an easy way to upload it? She and I have been going in circles and running into all this technical jargon that she doesn't understand. I have a degree in graphic design, but I don't have much experience in the web developing side of it. I know an older friend whose a web developer at Maritz, but she doesn't have time to help me out because she works all week and I work all weekend. Is there any easy way I can upload my own design I did in Flash, like by myself and make it accessable? My mom tried different hosts but we always have to go by their templates and can't design it our own way? Are there any special programs I need? Any helpful suggestions? It's a plus if anyone answering is an expert on this. Thanks.




  1. You need a program called an http server (don't worry I'll explain it :))

    Right now your work is "offline" and you need to put it "online" that's part of what an http server does.  First off, download the Apache http server here:

    (scroll down a little bit, you'll see some download links with like Win32 and blah blah, choose either the first or second MSI Installer link, "Win32 Binary without crypto (no mod_ssl) (MSI Installer)" is what it says).

    Once you have it downloaded, click on it to install it. Once it is installed, go to your start menu, click on "my computer" then click on Local Disk (C:), from there go to "program files" find apache, it'll say something like "apache software foundation" or blah blah, if you can't find it, go back to local disk (C:) and see if it's in there.  Once you have located the folder, go into it until you find a folder that is called "htdocs" from there, throw your files in that folder.  

    After that, open your web browser (firefox or internet explorer, etc.) and type in:


    where "your file" is the name of the files you threw in the htdocs folder.  (you might want to just try: http://localhost/ to verify that the server works, you should see "It Works!" if it does)

    After that, Go here:

    copy the number you see, paste it in your browser address bar, and you should see the same documents.  WAH LAH! it's on the web.  

    If you have any more questions, just email me (my email should be on my profile) for instance, I assumed that you use Windows but you may be using something else, and you might have to edit your configuration file which I can also help you with.


  2. Get a free ftp app such as smartftp.

    You put in your ftp username and passsword (if you don't know it, ask your host).

    Then just drag and drop your files and folders into the root level (you'll probably see a file there already named index.html).

  3. Use filezilla to upload it online. I use filezilla and hostmonster webhosting for  mine

  4. All you need to do is embed your flash file in the HTML code. You will need a web host to store the file and also the webpage that contains this HTML code. Currently, MS is offering a free domain name (i.e. yoursitecom) for the first year. You can do that for free with Microsoft Office Live Small Business - . It comes with a free online design tool that lets you create web pages without coding. You add your flash code via the HTML module as an embed object (refer to this: ).

  5. A flash file isn't a web site, it's part of one web page.  You still have to write the page.

    Then use an ftp program to upload the page.  if it's the only one on the site it should be named index,html (or whatever the first default file fgor that server is).

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