
How to upload to Youtube?

by  |  earlier

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How to upload in Youtube?

i recorded a movie in my DVD recorder

downloaded into a file in my Desktop

then i tried to upload it in YOUTUBE

Youtube Youtube Youtube

but failed

many times

why ??

what shld i have done ??





  1. Did you check the file type of the video you are uploading.  Youtube does not support all types of format and only works best with files that end with .wmv (windows media video files) and .avi.  To get your video to this file type I would suggest seach for a video converter on google.  In the seach bar type whatever your file name is to what you want it to be then the word converter (ex. mp4 to wmv converter).  Find a converter that works and follow the on screen instructions to help convert your video.  If you do this and your upload is still not working contact me via email.

  2. Convert it to mp4... always works...

  3. haven't gotta clue.. but try asking someone else

  4. you have to have an account.... then you do the uplode button.... thats all...

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