
How to use DHEA for depression?

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I have been using DHEA for depression and it seems to help. However, I tend to be too sexually agressive when I use it.

Any recommendations?




  1. DHEA is a hormone so you're probably messing up your hormone levels, testosterone I'd image.

    Try taking SAM-e instead.

  2. Could you be experiencing a placedo effect?  Of course you're gonna be more sexual aggressive that's the benefit of using DHEA.  

  3. Sure, try peanut butter It has no side effects and it makes you smile. BTW, Martin' did you try the potato skins I suggested for your warts it really works. God Bless  you

  4. I haven't seen any research saying that DHEA would help for depression, so I looked it up on Yahoo. The only hits were saying that it *might* be "an effective treatment for midlife-onset major and minor depression". In other words, they are saying that the hormone reduction that is normal in midlife may cause some people to get a little down (which I can see when your body isn't responding the way it used to).

    Basically, DHEA is a precursor to both Estrogen and Testosterone, which means your body will convert it into whichever of those two your body needs more at the time. Some people do get too aggressive and/or more sexually active when they take DHEA because of the Testosterone boost.

    None of the research I am seeing say that it would help at all for general depression. However, if you would like a natural product for your depression, there are several available. Some of the most popular natural products for helping with mood are St. John's Wort, SAMe, 5-HTP (or Tryptophan), Rhodiola Rosea, and some stress-relievers like GABA or L-Theanine can help, too.

    Aside from supplements, you can also try going out and doing things you enjoy, spending time with friends, or even having a good cry. If that's not enough to help, maybe talking it out with a trusted friend or an objective third-party person (like a counselor).

    Just remember, even though you might feel bad, it's never as bad as it may feel. Everyone goes through tough times and we can all get through it... sometimes we just need a little extra help ;-) Good luck!

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