
How to use driver to get best out of it without injuring oneself?

by  |  earlier

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in golf




  1. Never heard of anyone injuring themselves using a driver or any other golf club. If you have an unorthodox swing, perhaps an injury is possible. Find a good teaching pro. Take a couple of lessons on the basic golf swing and  he will no doubt change it if you are endangering your body.

  2. Its all about timing and have the right equipment to match your swing, so getting the right shaft for your swing speed.

    just take your time learn you tempo and the distances will come

  3. As long as you are using the proper techniques of the swing, you should not injure yourself or others.

    If your question is about the flight of the ball, then you need to take your driver to the driving range and practice with it until you are comfortable with the results. Until then it should be left in the bag and not used on the course.

  4. swing as hard as u can

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