
How to use fertiliser in microsprinkler system?

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  1. Fertigation is used when it is possible and appropriate to apply nutrients in irrigation water. Soluble fertilisers are injected into the irrigation water during the pumping stage. Highly accurate applications of the required nutrients can be applied using this method.

    Fertigation is commonly used on perennial tree and row crops such as olives and grape vines where applications of nitrogen are regularly needed to maintain high growth rates. In general, nutrients with poor mobility such as phosphorus are added at the beginning of the season, and usually applied direct to the soil and not through the irrigation system. More mobile nutrients are usually added later in the plant’s growth cycle. Remember that nutrients need to be soluble to be used in a fertigation system. Soluble phosphatic fertilisers are quite expensive.

    Sprinkler spray systems can be either fixed or moveable and are used predominantly on pastures and small areas of annual vegetable crops. The efficiency is less than that of trickle systems, but more than flood or furrow irrigation systems. An efficiency factor of about 75 to 85 per cent is commonly used for sprinkler systems.

    The slope of the ground, infiltration rates, applications rates and the salinity of the water are all issues that need to be considered. Generally vegetable crops are produced on sandier soils where infiltration rates are not an issue. However, nutrient losses from over watering are an important consideration in the Swan-Canning catchment. Sprinkler irrigation of small areas of perennial grass pasture for animal studs is typical of small area irrigation where water supplies may be limiting.

  2. The fertilizer should be desolved in water filtered and then by using a seperate tank  attached to rhe pumping system has to be connected through a ventury to the mains . After use the ffertigation tank has to be cleaned for future use.

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