
How to use greyhound racing betting software system?

by Guest61252  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am an avid online greyhound racing bettor and would like to know, what are the simple ways to use greyhound racing betting software system in an effective manner?




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    Open your Internet browser and visit the Quick Racing Software, where you can download a free trial of Quick Dog. Quick Dog is one of the most popular greyhound betting programs around because it includes historical information on tracks and information relating to the dogs’ previous performance.
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    Set up your computer to run the program. You’ll need to set your SPAM filter to allow the company’s email address to send messages because they may need to contact you in the future. In addition you’ll need to change your firewall program to allow the software to connect to the internet.
    # 3

    Click on the Quick Dog application to get the program up and running on your computer. When you open the software for the first time, click on the Interview button at the top of the screen. This will take you through a quick tutorial to help you get started and it also begins downloading information specific to your area.
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    Download as much information from historical records as you need or want. Quick Dog lets you connect to their website and select any records that you want. You can also select different tracks in your area or even choose tracks that are further from your house that you still want to bet at.
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    Use the Supertune option to keep track of any bets you make. It records any bets you make on greyhounds and stores it for future use. Once you’ve used the program a few times, it will begin estimating bets for you based on your history and pick the dogs you’re most likely to be interested in.

    Read more: How to Use Greyhound Betting Software |

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