
How to use ki?

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I have a couple of ki questions is it possible to use ki similiar to dragon ball if it is where do you learn how to use it? and also I found is site right here that says this is how you use ki is it true or just a lie thanks. (and also don't make fun of me for asking this question I'm just cursious about this)




  1. Bluto and orion star are both right on this one, but here's a more scientific answer to your question as well.  Forcing air out of you lungs by yelling keeps you from getting the wind knocked out of you should you catch a blow to the gut while throwing your own strikes ( Hence Kiai in the Japanese sense of Kiai ).  Then another purpose it serves as well is a slight confussion to your opponent, because I must admit If I heard some dude yelling at me like that while throwing strikes and I didn't know anything at all about Japanesse martial arts I would be saying to myself mentally, "This dude is freaking crazy man!!"

    Forcing the air out of you lungs would definately keep you from getting the air knocked out of you if you ever had to take a hard punch to the gut. oh I thought you meant Kiai instead of Ki oops oh well. and walking on water and jumping 40 feet into the air is possible too?....hehehe. Chinese arts are weird man.

  2. Using Chi to make fireballs is not real. However, Chi is 100% real, and is in everything. There are many different types/definitions of it, and it is true as others have stated there are some fallocies and fantastic frauds. My two favorites are the Kiai master vs the "realistic" fighter.(I really enjoyed seeing him get punched in the face, serves him right for teaching the BS he does.) The other guy is Dillman. I watched him have a student try the no touch knockout deal and fail horribly. Dillman's explanations were less than remotely believeable. I find it hard to believe that even the most gullable would believe his malarky.

    Now a few of the "Scientific" definitions would be magnetics, Air, Water, Kinetic/Static energy, etc. These are all Chi, and Chi is all of them. There are a few books written on the subject and it would take me all day to even give you a light explanation of the overall concept.

    So that's the scientific side. There is also the metaphysical side, which either deals with religious experiences or just a bit of a more complex yet to be grasped concept of "western" science.

    Some pretty amazing things can happen with Chi understanding, it just takes a bit of a different lifestyle... One most are unwilling to give up.

    Just for the record, there are many things that humans thought were BS until "science" was able to understand it. Science also defrauded things, just be careful what you doubt and what you believe.

  3. You can't use ki, because it is FAKE c**p!

  4. Ki is very real, but it would be best described as a ...

    adrenaline rush: a sudden burst of energy from an increase in the hormone and neurotransmitter adrenaline, esp. increased heart rate and blood pressure, perspiration, blood sugar, and metabolism

    How you use it is by focusing.

    Figuratively, the term adrenaline is used in speaking of a high state of excitement: “When the race began, the adrenaline really started pumping.”

  5. "Ki", "Chi" or "Qui" is used as a breathing exercise to generate more energy by maximizing the oxygen in the bloodstream.  The perfect amount of oxygen in the body at all times is used to maximize your physical and mental prowess.  This is how people seem to have "endless" stamina or perform feats that others weren't able to.  The mastery of this is simply to breathe properly and train, train, train!  When your body and mind are up to par, this Ki training will really help you.  But, focus on the basic skills before the advanced training.  There is a reason it's been done this way since martial arts were created.  It WORKS!

  6. my interpretation of Ki/Chi ,perspective if you will is a form of force that can be focussed ,with training,at will . not as an external projection but as a co-ordination of physical,mental and emotional energy.this can be expressed in a punch/kick etc ,but not seriously as a remote projection. certainly not to my satisfaction

  7. its not fake.  idiot.  its a fancy way of talking about breathing while training to get the most power out of your excercise.

  8. Ki or chi is real. Chances are that the stuff  dbz is fake.

    Never let anyone tell you otherwise. Dont listen to anyone, not even me judge for yourself.
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