
How to use my Micro sd Card?? ?

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I recently bought an Activa Micro sd card, but I lost the directions for how to use it. The card fits into my phone, but I when I put it in the adapter and plug it into the computer, it doesnt say it has anything on it, how do I get my pix and flix downloaded onto the card? I think I'm missing a step




  1. IIRC on my LG phone that has a Micro SD card I had to initialize the memory while it was in the phone. Check for a menu setting in Phone Setup there should be something in there for memory setup or something along those lines.

  2. does your card have anything on it like pictures, videos or musics? if there's any, plug it into your computer. open my computer then there should show "removable disk" or "Activa-something-like-that". then browse for your files there and there you should see it.

    if you want to put something to your card from your computer...browse for the files you wanted to put there then copy it and paste it in removable device.

    **removable device is something like hard disk which can be removed.**   :D

  3. If you have an adapter, put insert your Micro SD Chip into it, after that, plug it into the computer, go to My Computer and find your Micro SD Chip, find the right folder Pix, Music, etc. and drag and drop the right items to the right folders. If that doesnt work either your Chip or Adapter is broken, or the Adapter doesnt accept the chip, call the company and ask them if that doesnt work.

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