
How to use public phone in Russia?

by  |  earlier

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can I use ruble coins, or do I need to buy phone cards? and if its phone cards how much do they cost and how long can I talk?




  1. The best thing is to buy a sim card of any Russian operator and use it without any problems. The cheapest one costs 100 rubles. But I should say we still have a phone cards to call but usually as anywhere in the world, they are not very useful as you will spend more money on them than actually talking to a person. About coins, we were using them many years ago. When I was a child, I remember that 2 kopeiki was enough for one minute if you are calling within your own town.  

  2. You'll have to make a choice between at least 15 different companies -

    Best is to call from your hotel - but the bill will be painful - hotels like it very much when you call -

    I have a friend in Samara - do you want him to inform you ???

  3. Phone cards do not work in Russia. I have lived in Russia for over 40 years.

  4. Phone cards (aka IP cards) would be your least expensive option. Of course there are phone cards that work in Russia --  just look at the "SPONSOR RESULTS" on this very page ----------->>>>>>>>>>>>>  

    (e.g., or Google for the most current list).

    Russian mobile SIM cards also give you access to inexpensive coutry-wide wireless calls. You must have a Russian passport to get it. However, you can easily purchase one on the black market from a Russian citizen for around $5-$10.

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