
How to use "myself, yourself, herself, ourselves...." in English?

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Hi! I'm french and I haven't understood how to use these words: myself, yourself, themselves....

For an example, Have I to say:

"I'm cut me" or "I've cut myself"?

I don't know if you really understand my question.

Thank you =D (sorry for my english).




  1. Lorsque le sujet et l'objet sont les mêmes, il faut dire Xself. Même lorsqu'il y a une préposition entre les deux.

    I cut you, you cut me, but I cut myself and you cut yourself. I speak to myself. In 10 years, I see myself working in a school.

    Parfois, il faudra l'omettre, par exemple si on dit "je me suis rasé", on dira "I shaved" et non "I shaved myself".

    Aussi, ça peut vouloir dire "moi-même" au sens de "sans aide". I did it myself (and no one helped).

    EDIT: Quand savoir s'il faut omettre le réflexif? Je dirais presque toujours quand c'est un verbe qui exprime une action qui ne se fait pas habituellement envers qqn d'autre. Shave -- ben on se rase, on ne rase pas les autres habituellement. I woke up -- par contre, on dira I work myself up pour préciser qu'on a bougé dans son sommeil par exemple et qu'il est anormal d'être réveillé par soi-même plutôt que par un autre. Il faut écouter, remarquer et apprendre!

  2. It looks like you are thinking in French and are trying to say the sentence like you would in French (je me suis coupe).  I don't really know how to explain the grammatical rules in English, but using your sentence as an example, you would say (correctly):

    1. I have cut myself

    2. You (singular) have cut yourself

    3. You (plural) have cut yourselves

    4. She has cut herself

    5. He has cut himself

    6. We have cut ourselves

    7. They have cut themselves

  3. I've cut myself.  If I am talking, myself would be something about me.

    You've cut yourself.  If I am talking, yourself would be something about you.

    They've cut themselves. If I am talking, themselves would be something about not you or I, but other people.

  4. You would say "I've cut myself"

    It would mean that you have cut yourself sometime in the past.

    "I cut myself yesterday" tells exactly when you cut yourself.

    Myself, yourself, and themselves are used when the person you are speaking of does an action to their own "self"

    You cut you = You cut yourself

    I cut me. = I cut myself

    Of course, the first sentences in the above examples are incorrect grammar. The second sentences are the correct way to state it.

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