
How to use solar panels for generating electicity according to the requirements of the building .. load ?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 use solar panels in my building so i want 2 know the techniques and according to the load of my building how many panels have to be installed?means is it according to the area of the building or is it according to the power usage ,,, also provide me with other necessary details about solar panels or any links associated to it .. or the person whom i can contact




  1.    go there for the info. you need. you can order a catalog with all the info. you need

  2. check ths out....

    hey frnds

    pls pls pls pls

    keep asking quations abt the environment

    we've to save it

    so pls pls pls keep doin' ths kind work

    may be somebody will atrract nd will save da world

    (actually i was influenced by ths Q's..)

  3. You need to figure out your need and get the right panels to match.  they come in different power levels...

  4. Solar panels are rated in terms of how much electricity they will produce.  You will need to figure how much electricity that you use that you would be able to get from them.  At present they are not very efficient, and are also very costly to set up and maintain.  You also should have some sort of backup for the days when clouds drop electricity production. Once you know how much power you need, then you can go about and determine if it would be practical for you to wire enough of them up for your use.

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